
















  1. 期刊論文
    1. Li, C.C. and P.C. Tsai, “Cases Studies on Total Productive Management and Competitive Advantages”, The Asian Journal of Qulaitym Vol. 2. No.1., pp.106-116, (2001).
    2. 黎正中,李家琪,田口方法的應用與發展,品質學報,第7卷第2期,頁117-137(2000)
    3. Kao.C, C.C.Li and S.P.chen, "Tolerance via simulation embedded sequential quadratic Programming", INT. J. PROD., RES., Vol.38, No.17, pp.4345-4355, (2000).
    4. Kao, C, C.C. Li and S.P.chen, “Parametric programming to the analysis of Fuzzy queues”, Fuzzy sets and systems, Vol.107, pp.93-100,(1999).
    5. Li, C.C., C. Kao and S.P. Chen, "Robust Tolerance Allocation using Stochastic Programming", Engineering Optimization, Vol.30, pp.333-350, (l 998)
    6. Li, C.C., Y.Z. Wang and T.S. Sheu, "Some thoughts on the Evolution of Quality Engineering", Industrial Management and Data System, Vol. 97, No.4, pp.l53-157, (1997)
    7. Li, C.C., Y.P. Fun and J.S. Hung, "A New Measure for Supplier Performance Evaluation", IIE Transaction, Vol. 29, No.9, pp. 753-758,(l 997)
    8. Li, C.C. and T.S. Sheu, "Discussion on Quantifying the House of Quality in QFD", Journal of Quality, Nol.3, No l, pp, 65-79, (1996).
    9. Hung, J.S,, Y.P. Fun and C.C. Li, "Inventory Management in the Consignment System", Production and Inventory Management Journal, Fourth Quarter, pp. 1-5, (1995).
    10. Li, Chang-Chung, Yu-Pen Fun, "Economical Tolerance Allocation in the Design Of Product Mechanism for Assembly Line", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 253-256, (1995)
    11. Li, Chang-Chung, Tsong-Shlu Sheu and Yu-Cheng Lee, "Modeling A Prototype with Taguchi Robust Design Technique", Journal of Design and Manufacturing. (Vol.5. No l, pp.55-60, 1995).
    12. Wang, J.Y., C. Kao and C.C. li, "A Study on Prime Modulus Multiplicative Congenital Random Number Generators of Order Two", Journal of the Chinese Industrial Engineers,\o\.\l, No.2, pp.9-15, (1994).
    13. Ching-Shui Cheng and Chang-Chung Li, "Constructing Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Designs When Some Factor-level Combinations are Debarred", Technometrics, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 273-283, (1993).
    14. Jeng, Y.C. and C.C. Li, "Locally D-Optimal Designs for Binary data with two Explanatory variables on Logistic Model", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, pp.45-49, (1992 ) .
    15. Yu-Pen Fun and Chang-Chung Li, "Some Discussion and Proposition and Process Capability Index", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 83-89.(1991).
    16. C.C.Li and Chen Yih Weng, "Reanalysis on the Wheatstone Bridge Simulation Example By Taguchi", Journal of Chinese of Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol, 8, No l, pp21-26, (1991).
    17. Jeng, Yann-Chyn, Ming-Fon Huang and C.C. Li, "Optimizing the Thermalsonic Bonding Process for Thick Film Hybrid IC by Taguchi Method", International Journal of Microelectronics and Reliability , Vol.31, No.2/3, pp.501-510, (1991).
    18. C.C. Li, Sheue-Ling Hwang and Min-Yang Wang, "Static Anthropometry of Civilian Chinese in Taiwan using Computer-Analyzed Photograph", Human Factors, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 359-370, (1990).
    19. C.C. Li and Yu-Cheng Lee, "A Statistical Procedure for Model Building in Dimensional Analysis", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.33, No. 7, pp. 1566 - 1567, (1990).
    20. C.C. Li and Keh-Ming Chiou, "Real Time Production Adaptation for Renewal type Production Process", The Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol.28, No l, pp.103-114, (1990).
    21. C.C. Li and Y.C. Lee, "Computational Aspects of Dimensional Analysis", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 16, No 6, pp.315-321, (1989).
    22. C.C. Li Y, Washio, T. llda and S. Tanimoto, "New Linear Graphs for Orthogonal Array L(2)", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.7, No l, pp.l7-23, (1989).
    23. C.C. Li and K-eh-Min Chiou, "Some Explanation and Evaluation of the Lineal-Graphs of Taguchi's Orthogonal Array L(2) and L (2)", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.6 , No l , pp.43-47, (1989).
    24. C.C. Li and Loug-Su Lin, "The Evaluation of the Industrial Experiment using Taglichi's Orthogonal Arrays", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers , Vol.5, No.l, pp.5-8. (1988).
    25. C.C. Li, "An Application of Experimental Design - An Improvement of a Golden Mill", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol.7, No. I, pp.207-210, (1984).
    26. C.C. Li and Yu-Chen Chen, "A Concept of Quality Assurance-Lower Tolerance limit for Product lifetime". Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.4, No. I, pp. 47-68, (1984).
  2. 研討會論文
    1. 黎正中,"跨國技術與育成合作之推動:兩 岸清華的技轉與育成的比較及未來合作展望",東亞產學合作與創 新育成研討會,2002年,7 24-25日,國立清華大學。
    2. 黎正中,"如何透過育成中心創造產學雙贏",亞洲地區高科技產業創新育成合作研討會,2001年,1120-21日, 國立清華大學。
    3. 黎正中,"經營顧客價值七工具",追求新世紀卓越品質講座,2001年,619日,中衛 發展中心。
    4. 黎正中,林豐涵,"魅力品質與競爭力",中華民國科技管理學會年會及論文研討會,2000年,12月,國立交通大學。
    5. Li, C.C., "Some Thoughts on the Evolution of Quality engineering ", INFORMS, 1996, May 5-8, Washington, D.C.
    6. Li, Chang-Chung and Yu-Pen Fun, 1993, "Using Expected Loss of Quadratic Loss Function with Specification Limits Consideration to Compare Various Process Capability Indices", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Reliability, Quality Control and Risk Assessment, Cambridge, Massachusets, U.S.A., pp. 5-8, (1993).
    7. Fun, Yu-Pen and Chang-Chung Li, "Tolerance Allocation in the Design of Product Mechanism for Assembly Line", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Reliability, Quality Control and Risk Assessment, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., pp.1-4. (1993).
    1. 吳鑄陶,黎正中,呂孟舫,1993"從組織及學習的角度剖析田口式品質工程",第2屆高雄區統計研討會論文集,頁105-120
    2. 李友錚,黎正中,1993"發展品質工程之工程觀",第 2 屆 高雄區統計研討會論文集,頁79-90
    3. Fun, Yu-Pen and Chang-Chung Li, 1990, "CPM, CPoc and Comparison Between CP and CPm", ICSA, The 1st Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Research, 12/15-17, Hong Kong.
    4. 黎正中,(1990)"次元分析與迴歸分析"77年統計學 術研討會,台北,台灣,中華民國。
    5. Li, Chang-Chung and Chen-Yieh Weng, 1990, "Reanalysis on the Wheatstone Bridge Simulation Example by Taguchi", ICSA, The 1st Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical Research, 12/15-17, Hong Kong.
    6. Huang, Ming-Shin, Min-Yu Lin and Chang-Chung Li, 1989, "C12/He Recipe Optimization by Orthogonal Array Experiment", First Annual Taiwanese Technical Seminar (LAM Research Corporation).
    7. Li, Chang-Chung, 1989, "D-Optimal Designs for Binary Response with two Explanatory Variables", 1989 Statistical Methods Symposium, 4/10/1989, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
    1. Li, Chang-Chung, 1987, "The Origin of Taguchi’s Linear Graphs and the Characteristics of the Japanese Quality Management System", First Sino-Korea Joint QC Conference, 7/9-11, Seoul, Korea, 1987.
    2. Li, Chang-Chung and Keh-Min Chiou, 1987, "The Linear Graphs of Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array L (2) and L (2) ", IASTED International Symposium Reliability and Quality Control. 6/24-26, Paris, France, 1987.
    3. 陳昭明,黎正中,(1986)"隨機效果模式下群值的偵測"75年統計學術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國。
    4. 郭外楓,黎正中,(1986)"Bootstrap重抽法在統計假設檢定上的應用"75年統計學術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國。
    5. 李友錚,黎正中,(1986)"利用最小海氏距離估計混合模式的參數"75年統計學術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國
    6. 黎正中,(1986)"直交表之應用"75年統計學 術研討會,高雄,台灣,中華民國。
  3. 譯著
    1. "實驗設計與分析",黎正中譯,高立圖書有限公司,1999
    2. "穩健設計之品質工程",黎正中譯著,台北圖書有限公司,1993

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98 98 年新竹科學園區科技管理專題講座人才培訓計畫 黎正中 計畫主持人 2009年 ~
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97 97 年中部科學工業園區管理局科技產業經營管理類專業及技術人才培訓計畫 黎正中 計畫主持人 2008年 ~
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96 96 年新竹科學園區管理局中基層主管計畫 黎正中 計畫主持人 2007年 ~
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