v. 2016/3/30
Band-Pass Filter (Homework 1) Simulation Grading
NEMS 5443
Cheng-Yao Lo
Please use the template and input your own data. Do not modify template format.
Provide all the following files in the same time by email to
loshih38@gmail.com (TA, Mr. LO) and chengyao@mx.nthu.edu.tw
(Those who failed to provide the following files receive -3% from Homework 1.)
One .doc report.
File name: PMEstudentIDsim1.doc.
For example, PME100035520sim1.doc
Three .ofp project files separately for red, green, and blue filters.
File name: PMEstudentIDcolor-pair.ofp.
For example, PME100035520green-3pair.ofp
Two .mat files for high-n and low-n materials.
File name: (depends on your naming)
For example, DITO.mat
In case you cannot find .mat from OpenFilters\Materials\
Re-start OpenFilters, FILEOPEN PROJECT,
go to OpenFilters\Materials\
choose All Files (*.*) for file type
right-click on your .mat file and transfer it to desktop (as a shortcut)
right-click on your .mat from desktop, use notepad to open
you should now be able to know the (n, k) settings in .mat
attach this shortcut in email as (one of) the .mat file
All Files (*.*)
.mat ()
.mat (n, k)
.mat ()