Abstract Submission
Authors intending to present at the APEnergy 2016 are invited to submit a one-page
single line abstract (approximately 500 words, including figures and tables), in English
and should clearly reflect the contents of the paper.
.....The abstract must accompany with the following information:
1.Title of paper
2.Name(s) of Author(s)
4.Research topics (up to 3) and presentation style (oral or poster)
5.Abstract (approximately 500 words, including figures and tables)
6.Presenter’s biography including

...........‧Full Name


...........‧Complete mailing address

...........‧E-mail address

...........‧Telephone and telefax numbers

...........‧Website (if available)


Electronic submission is highly recommended. An abstract (template as attached)

in PDF or DOCX (or DOC) format should be submitted through the Secure Area
at the website:



.....In case of problems with access to the website, it is possible to submit

3 hard copies of the abstract to:
Professor Che-Wun Hong
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University

101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan

Tel: +886-3-574-2591

Fax: +886-3-572-2840
E-mail: cwhong@pme.nthu.edu.tw
Web: http://honglabs.pme.nthu.edu.tw
.....If you are interested in attending the conference without publishing a
paper, please also enroll and create an account in the Secure Area of the
website.Your name will be included in the future mailing list :

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