Research Projects
AUG 2023 - JUL 2024 |
On Classifiers, Measure Words, and Related Structures in Hakka [客家語分類詞與量詞及相關結構探討] (NTD 460,000) (NSTC 112-2410-H-007-029-) |
AUG 2022 - JUL 2023 |
On Relations Between Classifiers and Nouns in Hakka: A
Collostructional Approach [以搭配結構分析法探討客家語分類詞與名詞之間的關係] (NTD 479,000) (NSTC 111-2410-H-007-034-) |
JAN 2020 - DEC 2021 |
Verbal Semantics and Cultural Diversity: Verbs of Burning and Cooking in Saisiyat, Hakka, Southern Min, and Mandarin [動詞語意與文化多樣性-賽夏語,客家語,閩南語與華語的燒煮類動詞研究] (NTD 1,139,000) (MOST 109-2420-H-007-008-MY2) |
AUG 2019 - JUL 2020 |
On Conditional Constructions and Conditional Markers in Hakka [客語條件構式與條件標記研究] (NTD 615,000) (MOST 108-2410-H-007-020-) |
AUG 2017 - JUL 2018 |
Investigating Separability, Compositionality, and Lexicalization of Chinese Verb-Object Constructions Using Unannotated Corpora [使用無標記語料庫探討漢語動賓結構之分離性、組合性與詞彙化] (NTD 672,000) (MOST 106-2410-H-007-033-) |
JAN 2015 - DEC 2016 |
Lexicalization Patterns and Semantic Extension of Verbs of Movement in Hakka [臺灣語言詞彙、構式及語意浮現機制:跨界的探討-客語移動動詞的詞彙化類型與語意延伸] (NTD 988,000) (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
AUG 2014 - JUL 2015 |
Related Constructions of Motion Verbs and Resultative Constructions in Hakka: Cognitive Linguistic and Construction Grammar Perspectives [客語移動動詞相關構式與結果構式:認知語言學與構式語法觀點] (NTD 613,000) (MOST 103-2410-H-134-009-) |
AUG 2013 - JUL 2014 |
Connections of Bun Constructions in Hakka and Causativity [客語「分」字構式與使動性的關聯] (NTD 487,000) (NSC 102-2410-H-134-004-) |
AUG 2012 - JUL 2013 |
An Investigation of Beneficiaries and Related Constructions in Hakka [客語受惠者與其相關句式的探討] (NTD 488,000) (NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-) |
AUG 2011 - JUL 2012 |
Purposive Constructions in Hakka: A Constructional Approach [從構式語法看客語目的句式] (NTD 500,000) (NSC 100-2410-H-134-014-) |
AUG 2010 - JUL 2011 |
Indirect Imperatives, Causatives, Permissives, and Passives in Hakka: Interaction of Lexicon and Constructions [客語的使役、允讓、致使與被動:詞彙與構式的互動] (NTD 511,000) (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-) |
AUG 2009 - JUL 2010 |
Argument Realization of Hakka Psychological Predicates [客語心理謂語的論元體現] (NTD 477,000) (NSC 98-2410-H-017-014-) (NSC 98-2410-H-134-030-) |
Refereed Papers
(Accepted) |
Huang, Han-Chun. "From conditional to discourse: A case study of bo5 無 in Southern Min." In Language and Linguistics Monograph Series: Synchrony and Diachrony in Southern Min: Grammatical Roles of Negation and Other Functional Categories. Taipei: Academia Sinica. (SSCI, A&HCI) |
2023 [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "On the general classifiers ge and zag in Hakka: A corpus-based collostructional analysis." Concentric: Studies in Linguistics [同心圓:語言學研究] 49.2: 261-294. (THCI, Level 1) (NSTC 111-2410-H-007-034-) |
2021 [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "On four human-denoting classifiers in Hakka: A collostructional analysis [以搭配結構分析看客語中四個表示「人」的分類詞]." In Shu-chuan Chen [陳淑娟] and Min-hua Chiang [江敏華] (eds.) Proceedings for the 30th Anniversary of Taiwan Languages and Literature Society [三十而立——台灣語文學會三十週年慶祝論文集], pp. 177-193. Taipei: Taiwanese Languages and Literature Society. |
2021 |
Yeh, Marie Mei-li, Juichuan Yeh, Ying Cheng, and Han-Chun Huang. "On wipe verbs in Saisiyat, Taiwanese Hakka, Southern Min, and Mandarin [賽夏語與臺灣客家語、閩南語、華語的擦拭動詞研究]." In Shu-chuan Chen [陳淑娟] and Min-hua Chiang [江敏華] (eds.) Proceedings for the 30th Anniversary of Taiwan Languages and Literature Society [三十而立——台灣語文學會三十週年慶祝論文集], pp. 311-330. Taipei: Taiwanese Languages and Literature Society. |
2015a [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Causative and interpersonal constructions: Manifestations of kang7 in Modern Taiwanese Southern Min." Journal of Taiwanese Languages and Literature [臺灣語文研究] 10.2: 47-74. (THCI Core) |
2015b [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Relating causative and passive bun constructions in Hakka." Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies [清華學報] New Series 45.2: 167-200. (THCI Core) (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-) |
2014 [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Semantic extensions and the convergence of the beneficiary role: A case study of bun and lau in Hakka." Concentric: Studies in Linguistics [同心圓:語言學研究] 40.1: 65-94. (THCI Core) (NSC 100-2410-H-134-014-) (NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-) |
2012a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Dative constructions in Hakka: A constructional perspective [從構式語法看客語給予句式]." Hakka Studies [客家研究] 5.1: 39-72. (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-) |
2012b [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun "Psych predicates and causation in Hakka: A constructional approach." Chinese Studies [漢學研究] 30.1: 309-340. (THCI Core) (NSC 98-2410-H-134-030-) |
2007a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "On the kind reading of lang ‘human being’ in Taiwan Southern Min." Studies in Chinese Linguistics [中國語文研究] 23: 41-50. |
2007b [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun and Chinfa Lien. "Demonstratives in the Wanli version of Lizhi Ji [萬曆本荔枝紀指示詞研究]." Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies [清華學報] New Series 37.2: 561-577. (THCI Core) (NSC-94-2411-H-007-002-) |
2006 [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Argument realization of Chinese result and phase complements." UTA Working Papers in Linguistics 2006–2007, 66–89. |
Conference Presentations
2023 |
Huang, Han-Chun. "On structural distribution and semantic constraints of event quantifiers bai, do, lin in Hakka [論客家語動量詞「擺」、「到」、「輪」的結構分布與語意限制]." The 73rd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第73回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. November 4-5, 2023. (NSTC 112-2410-H-007-029-) |
2021 |
Huang, Han-Chun, Jui-chuan Yeh, Ying Cheng, and Marie Yeh. "Comparison of postverbal khoi element of Hakka in historical and modern data [客語動後成分「開」在歷史與現代文獻中的用法比較]." The 71st Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第71回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. November 6-7, 2021 (Online). (MOST 109-2420-H-007-008-MY2) |
2019a |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "Conditional and other related uses of negative marker mo in Taiwan Hakka [台灣客家語否定標記「無」之條件以及其他相關用法 ]." The 69th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第69回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. November 2-3, 2019. (MOST 108-2410-H-007-020-) |
2019b |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "The emergence of the conditional marker he-gong in Hakka." The 21st Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2019). Sendai, Japan. July 6-7, 2019. |
2018 |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "A frame-semantic study of near-synonyms bang, bangmang, and bangzhu in Mandarin." The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-26). Madison, Wisconsin. May 4-6, 2018. (MOST 106-2410-H-007-033-) |
2017a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Measuring separability and transitivity of multi-word expressions: A corpus-based study of five verb-object constructions in Mandarin Chinese." The 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-25). Budapest, Hungary. June 25-27, 2017. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2017b |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "On the origin of inverted ditransitive constructions: A cross-linguistic and cross-dialectal perspective [從跨語言和跨方言的角度論倒置雙賓式之來源]." The 67th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第67回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. November 11-12, 2017. (MOST 106-2410-H-007-033-) |
2016a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Mechanisms of sense extension of the movement verb zeu in Hakka: A comparison with Southern Min and Mandarin Chinese [客語移動動詞「走」之語意延伸機制:兼談與閩南語以及標準華語之比較]." The 66th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第66回全国大会]. Beppu, Japan. November 12-13, 2016. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2016b |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Relating senses of the verbs of movement hang, zeu, hi, and lok in Hakka." The 18th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2016). Tokyo, Japan. June 4-5, 2016. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2015a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Causativity and semantic opaqueness of Chinese V-dong compound verbs: A corpus-based approach [從語料庫看漢語“V動”類複合動詞的使動性與語義不透明性]." The 7th Annual Conference of Asia-Pacific Consortium on Teaching Chinese as an International Language [亞太地區國際漢語教學學會第七屆年會]. Kobe, Japan. November 21-22, 2015. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2015b |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "Plural and non-referential uses of the third-person singular pronoun ki in Taiwan Hakka [台灣客語第三人稱單數代名詞「佢」之複指和非指稱用法]." The 65th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第65回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. October 31-November 1, 2015. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2015c |
Huang, Han-Chun. "A comparison of ki2 in Hakka and gua7 and kui2 in Southern Min." The Final International Symposium on Syntactic Evolution in Southern Min and Other Sinitic Languages. Tourtour, France. July 27-August 1, 2015. (MOST 104-2420-H-134-002-MY2) |
2014a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Classification of passives in Hakka." The 16th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS2014). Saitama, Japan. June 28-29, 2014. (NSC 102-2410-H-134-004-) |
2014b [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "Investigations of resultative construction patterns in Hakka and the avoidance of VRO structures [客語結果句式類型探討與VRO結構的避免]." The 64th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第64回全国大会]. Osaka, Japan. November 15-16, 2014. (MOST 103-2410-H-134-009-) |
2014c |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "Syntactic and semantic characteristics of bun-gi-related verb-complement structures in Taiwan Hakka [台灣客語與「分佢」相關的動補結構之語法和語意特點]." The 64th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第64回全国大会]. Osaka, Japan. November 15-16, 2014. |
2013a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "The limit of classification: A family of bun constructions in Hakka [構式分類的侷限:以客語「分」構式為例]." First Conference on Taiwan Hakka Language and Language Teaching [第一屆台灣客家語言及其教學研討會]. Hsinchu, Taiwan. May 18, 2013. |
2013b |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "The locative inversion construction in Hakka." The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) [國際中國語言學學會第二十一屆年會]. Taipei, Taiwan. June 7-9, 2013. |
2013c |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Linking causative senses among bun-related constructions in Hakka [客語「分」字相關構式之使動意連結]." Mini-workshop on Hakka Syntax and Semantics [客語語法語意小型工作坊]. Taipei, Taiwan. September 4, 2013. |
2013d [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "Relations among beneficiary sub-constructions of bun in Hakka [客語「分」字受惠者次構式之間的連結關係]." The 63rd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第63回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. October 26-27, 2013. (NSC 102-2410-H-134-004-) |
2013e |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "An Investigation of bun...lau construction in Hakka [客語「分…摎」構式之探討]." The 63rd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第63回全国大会]. Tokyo, Japan. October 26-27, 2013. |
2012a [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun and Jui-chuan Yeh. "Division of labor of Hakka bun and lau in the beneficiary role [客語「分」與「摎」在受惠者角色上的分工]." The 62nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第62回全国大会]. Kyoto, Japan. October 27-28, 2012. (NSC 101-2410-H-134-046-) |
2012b |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "NP V-hiloi XP construction in Hakka: Middle construction? [客語「NP V-起來 XP」格式:中間結構?]." The 62nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第62回全国大会]. Kyoto, Japan. October 27-28, 2012. |
2011a [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun, Jui-chuan Yeh, and Chun Chang. "Semantic roles marked by lau in Hakka: A perspective from caused-motion and interpersonal constructions [從致動構式與人際構式看客語lau標記之語意角色]." The 61st Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第61回全国大会]. Matsuyama, Japan. October 29-30, 2011. (NSC 100-2410-H-134-014-) |
2011b |
Chang, Chun, Han-Chun Huang, Ching-Chun Hsiao, and Hsiao-Mei Wang. "Multiple grammatical functions of the visual verb kinn3 in Southern Min literature during the Min and Qing Dynasties [明清閩南語文獻視覺動詞「見」kinn3的多重語法功能]." The 61st Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第61回全国大会]. Matsuyama, Japan. October 29-30, 2011. |
2011c |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Caused-motion and interpersonal constructions: The many faces of ka." NSC-ANR Workshop on Reflections of Diachronic Change Mirrored in Early Southern Min Texts. Hsinchu, Taiwan. November 26-27, 2011. |
2010a |
Yeh, Jui-chuan and Han-Chun Huang. "A Preliminary Study on the Double Unaccusative Construction in Hakka." The 6th International Conference of Construction Grammar. Prague, Czech Republic. September 3-5, 2010. (NSC 99-2410-H-134-028-) |
2010b [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Linking of Hakka dative and purpose clauses in Construction Grammar [客語給予句與目的句在構式語法中的連結關係]." The 60th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第60回全国大会]. Yokohama, Japan. November 13-14, 2010. (NSC 98-2410-H-134-030-) |
2009a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Two types of causative psych constructions in Hakka." The 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Paris, France. July 2-4, 2009. |
2009b |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Causation of experiencer-subject psych predicates in Hakka." International Symposium on Chinese Syntax and Semantics. Hsinchu, Taiwan. August 22-25, 2009. |
2009c [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. "On conceptual structure and argument realization of Hakka psych predicates [論客語心理謂語的概念結構及論元體現]." The 59th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第59回全国大会]. Sapporo, Japan. October 24-25, 2009. (NSC 98-2410-H-134-030-) |
2009d |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Psych/evaluative predicates: their morphology and syntax in Mandarin and Hakka." Mini-Workshop on Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructions. Taipei, Taiwan. November 14, 2009. |
2008a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "1,000 ways to die: Resultative V-si in Mandarin Chinese." Fifth International Conference on Construction Grammar. Austin, Texas. September 26-28, 2008. |
2008b |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Syntax and polysemy of Chinese V-si construction [漢語「V-死」結構的句法與語意多樣性]." The 58th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan [日本中国語学会第58回全国大会]. Kyoto, Japan. October 25-26, 2008. |
2007a |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Constructional inheritance: A case study of Chinese resultative constructions." The Rice Linguistics Society Workshop. Houston, Texas. February 3-4, 2007. |
2007b |
Huang, Han-Chun. "Alternations and inheritance in Chinese idiomatic resultative constructions." The First Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition. Taipei, Taiwan. May 18-19, 2007. |
Thesis and Dissertation
2008 [full paper] |
Huang, Han-Chun. Resultative Verb Compounds in Mandarin Chinese: A Constructional Approach [從構式語法看漢語結果複合動詞]. Ph.D. Dissertation. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University. |
1998 |
Huang, Han-Chun. Lexical Polysemy and Sense Extension in Verbs of Movement in Taiwanese Southern Min [台灣閩南語移動動詞的詞彙多意性與語意延伸]. M.A. Thesis. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University. |
Grants and Fellowships
AUG 2017 - JUL 2018 |
Subsidies for Distinguished Talents [延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵補助] (National Tsing Hua University) (NTD 120,000) |
AUG 2016 - JUL 2017 |
Subsidies for Distinguished Talents [特殊優秀人才獎勵] (Ministry of Science and Technology) (NTD 96,000) |
AUG 2015 - JUL 2016 |
Subsidies for Distinguished Talents [特殊優秀人才獎勵] (Ministry of Science and Technology) (NTD 60,000) |
JUL 2009 |
Grant for Domestic Scholars for Attending International Conferences Abroad [補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議] (National Science Council) (NTD 80,000) |
OCT 2008 |
Grant for Domestic Scholars for Attending International Conferences Abroad [補助國內專家學者出席國際學術會議] (National Science Council) (NTD 70,000) |
AUG 2007 - JUL 2008 |
Fellowship for Dissertation Writing in Humanities and Social Sciences [人文社會領域撰寫論文獎學金] (National Science Council) (NTD 420,000) |
AUG 2006 - APR 2007 |
Graduate Student Study Abroad Program (GSSAP) [博士生赴國外研究計畫] (National Science Council) (NTD 438,400) |
JUL 2006 |
International Visit Scholarship for Graduate Students [學生國際訪問獎] (National Tsing Hua University) (NTD 20,000) |
OCT 2005 |
Grant for Ph.D. Students [博士班學生出國補助] (Ministry of Education) (NTD 28,000) |
JUN 2005 |
Scholarship for Graduate Students [蔣經國交流協會獎學金] (Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange) (NTD 52,500) |