丘宏昌 (Hung-Chang Chiu)  




l   國立清華大學科技管理研究所教授


l   國立清華大學科技管理學院副院長兼EMBA/MBA執行長

l   國立清華大學EMBA副執行長

l   國立清華大學科技管理學院學生職涯發展中心主任


l   國立清華大學教師學術卓越獎

l   國立清華大學科技管理學院傑出教學獎

l   學術著作曾獲Citations of Excellence- Top 50 management papers

l   指導同學獲溫世仁文教基金會競賽冠軍;指導同學EMBA元大與商管個案競賽冠軍


l   國立清華大學工業工程學系學士、碩士

l   國立台灣大學商學研究所博士


l   領域:科技行銷、策略行銷、服務行銷

l   特色:理論與實務緊密連結、培養面對未來問題的洞察力、台灣少數曾在美國哈佛商學院案例資料庫發表企業案例之老師

l   管理個案

n   短個案

u  該不該成立物聯網知識平台?哈佛商業評論中文版,20197月號

u  當機會紛紛來敲門,哈佛商業評論中文版,20108月號

n   長個案

u  Transforming ASUSTeK: Breaking from the Past, Harvard Business School Case (9-610-041)

u  ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Eee PC, Harvard Business School Case (609-011)

u  台灣積體電路股份有限公司(TSMC邁向世界級企業,台灣管理個案中心(TMCC)個案

u  研華股份有限公司Online Marketing(尚未發表)

u  力旺電子股份有限公司跨越鴻溝,邁向成功之路(尚未發表)

u  華碩電腦股份有限公司邁向品牌之路,台灣管理個案中心(TMCC)個案

u  納智捷-台灣汽車邁向自有品牌之路,台灣管理個案中心(TMCC)個案

u  福生物科技股份有限公司,台灣管理個案中心(TMCC)個案

u  劍湖山世界,台灣管理個案中心(TMCC)個案


[期刊論文] (Journal)部分成果

1.        Hsieh, Y. C., H. C. Chiu, Y. C. Tang, and M. Lee (2018), “Do Colors Change Realities in Online Shopping,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 41, 14–27 (SSCI)

2.        Hsieh, Y. C., H. C. Chiu, Y. C. Tang, and W. Y. Lin (2018). “Does Raising Value Co-creation Increase All Customers’ Happiness?” Journal of Business Ethics, 152(4), 1053-1067.

3.        Tang, Y. C., Y. C. Hsieh, and H. C. Chiu (2017), “Purchase Decision: Does Too Much Choice Leave Us Unhappy,” European Journal of Marketing, 51(7-8), 1248-1265 (SSCI).

4.        Chou, S. Y., G. C. Shen, H. C. Chiu, and Y. T Chou (2015), “Multichannel service providers’ strategy: Understanding customers' switching and free-riding behavior,” Journal of Business Research, 69(6), 2226-2232 (SSCI)

5.        Hsieh, Y. C, J. K Hsieh, H. C. Chiu, and Y. R. Yang (2014), “Online Customer Responses to Website Atmospherics: Examining the Roles of Task-Relevant Cues, Emotions, and Involvement,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(3), 225–236 (SSCI)

6.        Chiu, H. C., A. Pant, Y. C. Hsieh, M. Lee, Y. T. Hsiao, and J. Roan (2014), “Snowball to Avalanche: Understanding the Different Predictors of the Intention to Propagate Online Marketing Messages,” European Journal of Marketing, 48 (7/8), 1255-1273 (SSCI).

7.        Hsieh, J. K., H. C. Chiu, C. P. Wei, R. H. J. Yen, and Y. C. Cheng (2013), “A Practical Perspective on the Classification of Service Innovations,” Journal of Services Marketing, 27(5), 371-384 (SSCI)

8.        Chiu, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh, and Y. C. Kuo (2012), “How to Align Your Brand Stories with Your Products,” Journal of Retailing, 88(2), 262 - 275 (SSCI)

9.        Yen, R. H. J., W. K. Wang, C. P. Wei, H. Y. Hsu, and H. C. Chiu (2012), “Service Innovation Readiness: Dimensions and Performance Outcome”, Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 813-824 (SCI)

10.     Chiu, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh, J. Roan, K. J. Tseng, and J. K. Hsieh (2011), The Challenge for Multichannel Services: Cross-Channel Free-Riding Behavior, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 10(2), 268-277 (SSCI)

11.     Chiu, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh and M. C. Wang (2008), “How to Encourage Customers to Use Legal Software”, Journal of Business Ethics, 80(3), 583-595. (SSCI)

12.     Hsieh, Y. C., H. C. Chiu, and Y. C. Hsu (2008), “Supplier Market Orientation and Accommodation of the Customer in Different Relationship Phases”, Industrial Marketing Management, 37(4), 380-393. (SSCI)

13.     Chiu, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh, Y. H. Kao, and M. Lee (2007), “The Determinants of E-Mail Receivers’ Disseminating Behaviors on the Internet”, Journal of Advertising Research, 47(4), 524-534. (SSCI)

14.     Hsieh, Y. C., H. C. Chiu, and C. C. Lin (2006), “Family Communication and Parental Influence on Children’s Brand Attitudes”, Journal of Business Research, 59(10-11), 1079-1086. (SSCI)

15.     Chiu, H. C., Y. C. Hsieh, Y. C. Li, and M. Lee (2005), “Relationship Marketing and Consumer Switching Behavior”, Journal of Business Research, 58(12), 1681-1689. (SSCI)

16.     Hsieh, Y. C., H. C. Chiu, and M. Y. Chiang (2005), “Maintaining a Committed Online Customer: A Study across Search-Experience-Credence Products”, Journal of Retailing, 81(1), 75-82. (SSCI)


1.          丘宏昌、謝依靜、唐運佳,服務行銷與管理(第三版),雙葉,台北,民106

2.          丘宏昌,「策略行銷規劃」,策略管理精論之10章,于卓民、李吉仁主編,前程,台北,102

3.          金聯舫、丘宏昌,「台灣半導體業縱覽與台積電的經營/台積電的發展與服務的關係」,服務科學入門10講之第2講,智勝,台北,民98


1.          丘宏昌、謝依靜、尹秦清、唐運佳,「設計最佳品牌故事五大要點」,哈佛商業評論中文版,20195月,頁81-87

2.          丘宏昌,「維持企業成長動能」,哈佛商業評論中文版第40期,200912月。