A Historian and Philosopher of Economics
趙相科為現任國立清華大學經濟系教授、暨人文社會學士班合聘教授、全球化經濟研究中心主任、與公共政策與管理在職專班主任。求學時先負笈美國加州大學 Davis 分校,後師事 Mary S. Morgan 教授,入 Amsterdam 大學並加入當時著名之經濟思想史與方法論研究群,並於 2002 年獲得經濟學博士學位。其為著名的 LSE-Amsterdam 模型學派之成員,並曾任倫敦政經學院 (LSE)、加州大學 Davis分校、Stanford 大學、Duke 大學等頂尖學府訪問學者。學術專長為經濟學與其相關學科的跨領域科史哲研究、研究領域為經濟學哲學與方法論、經濟思想史、科學哲學、與中國現代史。近年來主持和參與數項跨國多邊型研究計畫,有國內外專業著作20餘篇。曾兩次獲得科技部「優秀年輕學者專題計畫」(哲學學門)獎助,並於 2019 年受科技部「人文行遠」(哲學)專書寫作計畫補助進行「最佳模型推論」的科學哲學研究。其與林孝庭教授(史丹佛大學胡佛研究所)共同主持的「戰後台灣」研究計畫分別於 2016 與 2021 年兩次獲得蔣經國基金會「國際合作研究計畫」獎助。
Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the Nature of Scientific Reasoning, Springer, 2017 (主編,與 Julian Reiss 合編)
Mechanism and Causality in Biology and Economics, Springer, 2013(主編,與 Roberta Millstein 、S-T Chen 合編)
Representation and Structure in Economics: The Methodology of Econometric Models of the Consumption Function, Routledge, 2009.
Two Types of Travelers in the History of the Transmission of Western Economic Knowledge in Late Qing and Early Republican China. History of Political Economy, 2022.
Representation and Idealization: Diagrammatic Models in the Early Studies of the Spatial Structure of Periodic Markets in Rural China, East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 2020.
Inference to the Best Model of the Consumption Function, History of Political Economy, 2019.
Shaping Space through Diagrams: The Case of the History of Location Theory. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2018.
Models and Credibility, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2014.
Beyond Carrot and Stick: The Political Economy of the U.S. Military Aids to China, 1945-1951, Journal of Modern Chinese History, 2011 (與林孝庭合著).
hkchao [at] mx.nthu.edu.tw
Department of Economics
National Tsing Hua University
101, Section 2, Kuang Fu Road
Hsinchu 30013
30013 新竹市光復路二段101號
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