Introduction to Computer Science
Instructor: Jinn-Liang Liu
2000 Spring
Exam 1: 4/20/00
Final: 6/19/00
Project 1: 3/30/00 (Savitch, p.287 #9)
Project 2: 4/27/00 (Savitch, p.355 #9)
1999 Fall
Exam 1: 10/20/99 (15%) Answers
Exam 2: 11/17/99 (15%) Answers
Exam 3: 12/15/99 (15%) Answers
Final : 1/14/99 (25%)
Project 1: 10/29/99 (10%)
Project 2: 11/26/99 (10%) Program
Project 3: 12/24/99 (10%)
Text Books:
W. Savitch, Problem Solving with C++, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley,
1999. (2 Hours/Week)
H. L. Capron, Computers: Tools for an Information Age, 5th ed.,
Addison-Wesley, 1998. (1 Hour/Week)
Lecture notes on C++
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer and C++ Programming
Computer Systems
Hardware, Software, Network
I/O Devices, CPU, Main Memory, Secondary Memory
1 Bit = 0 or 1 (on or off)
1 Byte = 8 Bits
Why 8?
The ASCII Charater Set (p 772): ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
Interchange) E.g. A=01000001.
Bytes and Addresses (p 5)
Display 1.2: Memory Locations and Bytes (p 5)
A program (code) is a set of instructions for a computer
to follows.
An operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between
human beings and computer.
Windows 98, Linux for PCs
Unix for Workstations
Computer Languages
High-Level Languages: They are designed to be easy for human begins
to write programs and to read them.
Low-Level Languages: They are designed to be executed very fast
by a computer. They contain simple instructions, such as, ADD X Y Z (Add
the number in the memory location called X to the number in the location
Y, and place the result in the location Z) in the assembly language.
Machine Languages: They are programs written in the form of
0s and 1s that the computer actually reads and follows.
A program that translates a high-level language like C++ to a machine language
is called a compiler.
Visual C++ for Win98.
Linker (p 11)
Display 1.5: Compiling, Linking, and Executing a C++ Program (p
Include source (input) code, object code, CPU, output code.
An algorithm is a sequence of precise step-by-step instructions
that leads to a solution.
Al-Khowarizmi (9 A.D. Arabic mathematician) wrote the book Kitab
al-jabr w'almuqabala (Rules for reuniting and reducing). Al-jabr =>
Algebra ~ Algorithm.
Display 1.7: Program Design Process (p 17)
Software Life Cycle
Analysis and Specification (Problem Definition)
Design (Algorithm Design)
Implementation (Coding)
Testing and Debugging
Maintenance and Revision
Introduction to C++
The B Language was developed by Ken Thompson who is the originator of
the UNIX operating system.
The C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie of AT&T Bell Lab in
1970s for writing and maintaing UNIX. C is a high-level language with many
of the features of a low-level language.
The C++ language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Lab in
1980s is derived from C and is based on the object-oriented programming
(OOP) principles.
A Sample C++ Program
Display 2.15: A Sample C++ Program and Program Layout (p 93)
Beginning of program
Libraries with directives
Main function
Variable declaration
Main body (statements) of program with comments
End of program
A statement is an instruction that ends with a semicolon.
A library is a program that is pre-written and pre-compiled by the
user, other programmers, or the developers of the compiler.
#include <lib1.h> // lib1 is provided by the compiler.
#include "lib2.hpp" // lib2 is provided by the user. The header (h,
hpp) can be different.
Chapter 2 C++ Basics
A C++ variable is the name of a number or data (value) of certain types.
Its value can vary from place to place within the program.
D2.15: main, NORMAL, temperature.
An identifier is the name of a variable (NORMAL, temperature) or other
item (main, include, double, cout, cin, if, etc.) that must start with
either a letter or the underscore symbol followed by letters, digits, or
C++ is case-sensitive, e.g., rate, RATE, and Rate are three distinct variables.
D2.15: include, iostream, int, main, const, double, NORMAL, cin, etc.
C++ Keywords
Keywords (reserved words) are predefined identifiers in C++ compiler, that
you cannot use as names for variables or anything else.
D2.15: int, main, include, etc.
Appendix 1 (p 861)
Data Types
D2.2 Some Number Types (p 60)
Type char, bool (value= true or false)
Every variable must be delared to a type.
Variable Declaration Syntax (p 43)
The syntax for a programming language is the set of grammar rules for that
The number or other type of data held in a variable is called its value.
Values of int: 2, -5, 1, 0 etc.
Values of char: a, abc, A2, etc.
Values of bool: true, false
D2.15 98.6 is the value of NORMAL.
Syntax 1
Type_Name Function_Name(Type1 Argument1, Type2 Argument2,
return value; // Return a value of the type Type_Name.
The argument list Type1 Argument1, Type2 Argument2, ... is optional
(with or without it is okay).
Syntax 2
Type_Returned Function_Name(Type1 Argument1, Type2 Argument2, ...)
D2.15: main
An operator is a special type of function that takes one or more arguments
and creates a new value.
D2.15: =, <<, >>, >.
Appendix 2 Precedence of Operators (p 863)
E.g. 2*3+4 == 10 not 14 since the precedence of the operator * is higher
than that of +.
The assignment operator = assigns the value on the right hand
side (RHS) to the variable on the left hand side (LHS).
D2.15: NORMAL = 98.6
The insertion operator << inserts the value "...." or the
value of the variable on RHS to the variable on LHS.
D2.15: cout << "Enter your temperature: "
cout is a predefined ouput function. You can think of it as a name
for the screen. So you will see Enter your temperature: on your
screen when this statement is executed.
The extraction operator >> extracts the value "...." or the
value of the variable on LHS to the variable on RHS.
D2.15: cin >> temperature
cin is a predefined input function. This statement means that >> obtains
the value (100 e.g.) from the input device keyboard and assigns it to the
variable temperature.
Comparison (Boolean) Operators
D2.8 (p 74)
The comparison operator < compares the values of LHS and of RHS and
returns a boolean value true or false.
D2.15: temperature > NORMAL (100 > 98.6)
Hence > returns the true value.
Project 1: #1 in P. 101
Introduction to the Use of Microsoft Visual C++
An expression is a combination of variables and/or values using operators.
D2.15: temperature > NORMAL is a Boolean expression.
D2.7 Syntax for an if-else-Statement (p 73)
D2.15: if (....
Arithmetic Operators and Expressions
Input and Output (I/O)
Stream: A current of water.
An input stream is simply the stream of input that is being fed
into the computer for the program to use.
An ouput stream is the stream of output generated by the program.
D2.15: iostream is the name of a library that contains the definitions
of the functions (such as cin and cout) that handle input from input devices
(keyboard etc.) and output to output devices (screen etc.).
iostream.h is an header file that contains some basic information about
this library.
The \n at the end of quoted string tells the computer to start a new
line after writing out the text.
Review D2.15
Chapter 3 Functions, Abstraction, Overloading
Math Problem 1 (MP1): How to compute
the number e=2.718281828... using arithmetic operations only?
Answer: Using a Taylor polynomial
exp(x)=1+1/x+..... (see Calculus)
Polynomial, Power, Factorial
Programming Example 1 (PE1):
Develope a C++ project for solving MP1.
Program 1 (PE1-1): Factorial Function (p. 149)
Project 2:
Write a program to compute the number e with
the accuracy of the approximation up to 9 significant digits by using a
Taylor polynomial.
How to use PE1-1? Write a main program to call the factorial function.
(See Exam 2)
Function Prototype Syntax (p. 119, 126)
Function Definition (p. 117, 126)
Function Call Syntax (p. 108)
Formal Parameters, Arguments (p. 185)
Call-by-Value (p. 185)
Procedural Abstraction (p. 129, 130)
Local Variables (p. 142)
Review Project 2.
PE1-2: Power Function
Predefined Functions (p. 111)
Programmer-Defined Functions
Automatic Type Conversion (p. 154)
Top-Down Design (Divide and Conquer): Break the project into many subprograms.
(p. 106)
12/17/99 計算機與網路中心 電腦教室 4
Project 3:
Given f(x)=sum_{n=0}^{n=infinity} ((-1)^(n+k(n)) x^n)/(n!*(n-0.5))
where k(n)=0 if n%4=1 or 2 and k(n)=1 if n%4=0 or 3, compute f(1), f(10),
f(20), f(30) up to 12 significant digits.
12/24/99 計算機與網路中心 電腦教室 2
1/7/2000 計算機與網路中心 電腦教室 4
------ Scratch below -----
Polymorphism (p. 153)
Overloading a function name (p. 151)
double power(double x, int n);
double power(double x, double y, int n); Use pow()
Chapter 4 Void, Call-by-Reference, Abstraction
Display 4.9 (p. 198)
Variables (p. 38, p. 43, p.47)
Global Variables (p. 143), Global Constants
void-Function Syntax (p. 170)
Precondition, Postcondition (p. 193): Abstraction