Numerical Analysis (I)


Fall 2005

*Reading  **Home Work  ***Programming  

I.                   Numerical Methods for PDEs

l          Poisson's equation 1  (pdf*) from Electrostatics  (pdf*) based on Coulomb's law (pdf1* pdf2*)

l          Finite Difference Method (FDM) 1D  (pdf*)

l          Finite Element Method (FEM)   (pdf*)

II.                Numerical Methods for Solving Ax=b

l          Gaussian Elimination 1*** (pdf*)

l          Jacobi’s Method  (pdf*)

l          Gauss-Seidel Method

l          Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems   (pdf)

1.      Jacobi’s Method***

2.      Gauss-Seidel Method***

3.      The Successive Overrelaxation Method***

4.      The Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation Method***

III.             Numerical Linear Algebra

IV.              Mathematical Sciences Digital Library

V.                 Appendices

l          SI-Units (Units)

l          The Greek Alphabet

l          The Free Dictionary