Shrimp with Mushrooms, Corn, and Dill

1 large onion chopped

Olive oil

Mushrooms (at least 250 g. or ½ lb., any ordinary kind) cut into pieces

Shrimp (at least 500 g. or 1 lb.)

25-30 miniature corn ears cut into 2 inch (2 cm.) pieces

Several bunches of fresh dill, chopped but not too fine

Salt and pepper

1½ -2 cups Jasmine or Basmati Rice


Saute onions in olive oil until soft.  Add shrimp and cook a few minutes, until no longer raw.  Add mushrooms, corn, and dill and cook together for another 10-15 minutes.  The mushrooms will make liquid and the dill will turn the liquid green.  Meanwhile, cook the rice.  In the end, mix the cooked rice in with the main dish.


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