SHREK--Chapters 6, 7 and 8

Chapter 6

Shrek第一次看到城堡時,他說,"Sure it's big enough, but look at the location!"這段對話是在開房地產公司的人的玩笑。


較普遍的用法是to wear one's heart on one's sleeve

Donkey:    ...  Donkeys don’t have layers.  We wear our fear right out there on our sleeves.

Shrek:      Wait a second.  Donkeys don’t have sleeves.

Donkey:    You know what I mean.

Chapter 8

Fiona公主說things like "Thou beeth" and "out yonder window"。她模仿的是古英文的說法,也就是很久很久以前,許多童話故事發生的年代那時候所用的英文。

注意以下ass這個字的雙重涵義。Princess Fiona覺得Shrek把她留下是因為要保護他自己。但其實Shrek針對的是DonkeyAss這個字的來源是拉丁文asinus,指一種動物。 

Fiona:    Wait, where are you going?  The exit’s over there.

Shrek:    Well, I have to save my ass.
