Wedding of Joseph and Miranda

July 17, 2011

(click on each photo to see a larger version*)


1. Beginning of Betrothal

2. Blessing Miranda

3. Blessing Joseph

4. Directions about Rings with Sponsors

5. Blessing the Rings

6. Putting on the Rings

7. Blessing the Crowns

8. Prayer with Crowns

9. Crossing the Crowns

10. Hannah and Pelagia Watch the Wedding

11. Joseph and Miranda Recite the Communion Prayer

12. Miranda Receives Holy Communion

13. Joseph Receives Holy Communion

14. Michael’s First Communion

15. Michael’s First Communion

16. Hannah Receives Holy Communion

17. Sweet Family

18. Drinking from the Common Cup

19. Isaiah Dance Your Joy**

20. Around the Wedding Table

21. Removing the Crowns

22. Newly-married Couple with Fr. Jonah

23. Happy Spiritual Family

24. Let’s Celebrate with Food!

*Photos by Semeon Erishev and Yoshka Nikolev

**For Video of the Isaiah Dance, go to


May God Grant Joseph and Miranda, their sponsors Yoshka and Ilina,

and their families Many Blessed Years!   

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