Visit to Portland, Oregon, USA

March 24-30, 2014

 (click on each photo to see a larger version)



Around Portland, Portland University

Portland University

Portland Univ

Portland U



Church of the Annunciation

Vespers and Liturgy with Salmon Dinner Afterwards

March 25, 2014

church outside 1

church outside 2

church outside 3

church inside

people eating

salmon dinner


Annual TESOL Convention

March 26-29, 2014

TESOL entrance

Entrance to Convention Center

academic session

VDMIS Academic Session Participants

JohannaTESOL 2014 Portland (16)

Johanna Presents

IS award

Johanna Receives Interest Section Service Award from Leslie Morris

with Leung

With Former Colleague Yiu-nam Leung

with Andrew

With Former Student Andrew Bennett


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