Visit to Žilina, Slovakia

September 20, 2012

 (click on each photo to see a larger version)


2 hotel grand zilina

1.Entrance to Hotel

1 hotel grand

2.Front of Hotel

3 hotel room

3.Inside the Hotel Room

4 on the square

4.The Square

5 side of square

5.Side of the Square

6 the other side of the square

6.The Other Side of the Square

7 Statue of Mary

7.Statue of Virgin Mary

11 city hall 8.City Hall

8 stands ready for market day

9. Stands Ready for Market Day

9 small square 10. Buildings on Small Square

12 also the small square 11.Small Square

13 fountain 12.Fountain

13 bell tower 13.Bell Tower

14 old building 14.Old Building

15 side street 15.Side Street

16 another side street 16.Another Side Street

17 down to large square 17.Down to Large Square

18 large square 18.Large Square

19 side of large square 19.Side of Large Square

20 patisserie 20. Sweets Shop

21 cakes 21.Lady Bug Cakes

22.back to the hotel 22.Back to the Hotel

23 potato pancake 23.Potato Pancake

24 what language 24. What Language?


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