09420NS 552800 Chemical and Biosensors


1.Text Books

Brian R. Eggins, Chemical sensors and Biosensors, Wiley, 2002.


Selected Journal papers


a. Introduction
b. Transduction elements
c. sensing elements
d. immobilization techniques
e. performance factors
f. electrochemical sensors
g. Biosensors.
h. Potometric applications
i. Mass-selective and thermal sensors
j. Biomimic sensors - MIP
k. Application to environments and biomedical diagonsis.


Administrator : Clark Ho Last Update on 2006.03.11
Copyright © 2005 FATECOL, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Science, NTHU
101, Sec.2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan TEL:+886-3-5715131-35570 /FAX:+886-3-5733555