Ching-Yan Wu



Telephone: +886 3 5162139


Address: Room 813, TSMC Building

101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road

Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013



l  PhD in Management, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Macquarie University, Australia 2013

l  MSc in Logistics, Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong, Australia 2003

l  BSc in Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 1996


Working Experience:

l  Associate Professor, Institute of Technology Management (2019 ~), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

l  Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Taiwan University of Science Technology, Taiwan (2018 ~ 2019)

l  Associate Professor, Department of Finance and International Business; Director of ImMBA Program, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (2017 ~ 2018)

l  Assistance Professor, Department of Finance and International Business (2014 ~ 2017); Deputy Director of ImMBA (2016 ~ 2017), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

l  Adjunct Professor, Department of Industrial and Business Management, Chang Gung University, Taiwan (2013 ~ 2014)



Journal Article

l  Wu, C. Y. *, & Tsao, M. C. (2025). By chance or by strategy? The coevolution of startups and accelerators in the case of Taiwan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 212(第一作者/通訊作者,SSCIIF: 12.91/54 in Regional & Urban Planning; 4/304 in Business, 2023)

l  Hu, M. C., Phillips, F., & Wu, C. Y.* (2024). Social innovations mediate technology and economy in the Kondratieff waves. Technological Forecasting and Social Change201, 123262. (SSCI)

l  傅如彬、吳清炎、胡美智 (2021)。加速新創公司破繭而出的推手: 海外創業中介組織的角色。管理學報,38(1)1-22. (TSSCI)

l  Wu, C. Y., Hu, M. C., & Ni, F. C. (2021). Supporting a circular economy: Insights from Taiwan's plastic waste sector and lessons for developing countries. Sustainable production and consumption, 26, 228-238. (SSCI)

l  Lo, H. C., Wu, C. Y.*, Hu, M. C. (2020). Acting as an innovation niche seeder:  how can the reverse salient of Southeast Asian economies be overcome?. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. (DOI: 10.1007/s00191-020-00685-5) (SSCI)

l  Wong, C. Y., Hsieh, Y. C., Hu, M. C., Wu, C. Y. (2019). Academic Entrepreneurship for Social Innovation: The Cases of OurCityLove Platform and Forest App. Science, Technology and Society, special issue on Academia, Social entrepreneurship and Commercialization in Asia, accepted for publication. (SSCI)

l  Hu, M. C., Hsu, W. C., & Wu, C. Y. (2018). Why is growth more difficult to achieve for biopharmaceutical latecomer firms? Evidence from Taiwan. Science, Technology and Society23(3), 388-417. (SSCI)

l  羅顯辰、許文靜、吳清炎、胡美智 (2018)。台灣中小企業進入新興市場之商業模式初探:以印尼為例。產業與管理論壇,20(3)56-77. (TSSCI)

l  Hu, M. C., Kang, J. S., & Wu, C. Y. (2017). Determinants of profiting from innovation activities: Comparisons between technological leaders and latecomers. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 116, 223-236. (SSCI)

l  Hu, M. C., Phillips, F. Y., Wu, C. Y.*, & Wang, S. H. (2015). The influence of the technological regime on the global light-emitting diode industry: lessons from innovative leaders and latecomers. Innovation Management Policy, Practice, 17(1), 91-114. (SSCI)

l  Hu, M. C., Wu, C. Y.*, & Shih, T. (2015). Creating a new socio-technical regime in China: Evidence from the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Futures, 70, 1-12. (SSCI)

l  Mathews, J. A., Hu, M. C., & Wu, C. Y.* (2015). Are the land and other resources required for total substitution of fossil fuel power systems impossibly large? Evidence from concentrating solar power and China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46, 275-281. (SCI)

l  Mathews, J. A. *, Hu, M. C., & Wu, C. Y. (2014). Concentrating solar power: a renewable energy frontier. Carbon Management, 5(3), 293-308. (SCI)

l  Wu, C.-Y., Hu, M.-C.*, & Mathews, J. A. (2014). Internal factors drive Chinese patent surge. Nature, 509, pp. 427(SCI).

l  Hu, M. C., Wu, C. Y., Lee, J. H., & Lu, Y. C. (2014). The influence of knowledge source and ambidexterity in the thin film transistor and liquid crystal display industry: evidence from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Scientometrics, 99(2), 233-260. (SCI/SSCI)

l  Wu, C. Y. (2014). Comparisons of technological innovation capabilities in the solar photovoltaic industries of Taiwan, China, and Korea. Scientometrics, 98(1), 429-446. (SCI/SSCI)

l  Mathews, J.A. *, Hu, M.C., Wu, C.-Y., 2013. Concentrating Solar Power – China’s New Solar Frontier. The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 21, No. 2. May 27, 2013. Available at: (open source journal)

l  Wu, C.-Y. *, & Mathews, J. A., 2012. Knowledge flows in the solar photovoltaic industry: Insights from patenting by Taiwan, Korea, and China. Research Policy, 41(3), 524-540. (SSCI)

l  Mathews, J.A. *, Hu, M.C., and Wu, C.-Y., 2011. Fast-follower Industrial Dynamics: The Case of Taiwan’s Emergent Solar Photovoltaic Industry. Industry and Innovation, 18(2), 177-202. (SSCI)

l  Hu, M.C. * and Wu, C.-Y., 2011. Exploring Technological Innovation Trajectories through Latecomers: Evidence from Taiwan’s Bicycle Industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 23(4), 433-452. (SSCI)


Book Chapter

l  Wu, C. Y., & Hu, M. C. (2017). University-industry-government linkages. In Krishna, V. V. (Ed.), Universities in the National Innovation Systems: Experiences from the Asia-Pacific. New York: Taylor & Francis. 

l  Hu, M. C., & Wu, C. Y. (2014). Giant Bicycle and King Liu. Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship, In Yu, T. F. L., & Yan, H. D. (Eds.), Handbook of East Asian Entrepreneurship. New York: Routledge.

l  Hu, M. C., Liu, C. H., & Wu, C. Y. (2010). The Causes of Developing a Wireless City: Singapore vs. Taipei (Taiwan). In Godara, V. (Ed.), Strategic Pervasive Computing Applications: Emerging Trends. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.



l  Wu, C. Y., & Tsao, M. C. (2023, August). The Co-evolution of Startup Accelerators and Startups: A Viewpoint of Complex Adaptive Systems. 2023 TFSC Conference. Hsinchu, Taiwan.

l  Wu, C. Y., & Hsu, C. Y. (2023, July). Growth of Startups: A Complex Adaptive System View. 2023 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.

l  Lo, H. C.*, Hu, M. C., and Wu, C. Y. (2022). How is Technological Latecomer Disadvantage Overcome? Evidence from Taiwanese ICT Firms in International Standards. The 38th EBES Conference. Warsaw, Poland.

l  Wu, C. Y., (2022). Diffusion of Green Technology: the Case of Taiwan's Electric Scooters. 18th ASIALICs Conference 2022. Hsin Chu, Taiwan.

l  Wu, C. Y., (2022). Crossing the Chasm: The Case of Taiwan’s Electric Scooters. The 20th Annual International Conference on Management. Athens, Greece.

l  蘋、吳清炎 (2021)。自媒體如何成為意見領袖以知識型自媒體為例。2021科技管理年會暨論文研討會

l  Lo, H. C., , Hu, M. C., Wu, C. Y. (2021). Socio-technical transition of Southeast Asian economies: The role of Taiwan's universities and public research institutes. 第八届海峡两岸科技管理學術年會. (優秀論文獎)

l  Wu, C. Y. (2017). Technological Performance Assessments Based On Patent Bibliometrics: A Case of Global Concentrating Solar Power Industry. 17th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech & Greentech (ECG)

l  Wu, C. Y. (2016). Exploring the Developmental Trajectory and Technological Capability in the Global Concentrating Solar Power Industry. 3rd Annual International Conference on Library and Information Science. Athens, Greece.

l  Wu, C. Y. (2015). The Development Trajectory and Technological Innovation Capabilities in the Global Renewable Energy Industry. PICMET 2015. Portland, USA.

l  Wu, C. Y., Mathews, J. A. (2012). Catching-up of Technological Innovation Capabilities: The Solar Photovoltaic Industries in Taiwan, China, and Korea. The 21st International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2012). Hsin Chu, Taiwan.


Research Project:

l  2023,08~2025.07 生技製藥產業委託開發暨製造服務之後進者策略:國家創新系統觀點, 計畫編號: MOST 112-2410-H-007 -042 -MY2

l  2021,08~2023.07 解密新創企業的成長與演化過程:複雜調適系統觀點, 計畫編號: MOST 110-2410-H-007 -037 -MY2

l  2020,08~2021.07 跨越市場鴻溝、商業模式與行銷組合之演進:以台灣電動機車市場為例, 計畫編號: 109-2410-H-007 -027 -

l  2020,06~2021.05 新興科技創新營運模式-亞洲矽谷創新營運模式研究中心:物聯網創新應用與東南亞新興市場之連結(4/4), 計畫編號: 109-2425-H-007 -001 -

l  2019,06~2020.05 新興科技創新營運模式-亞洲矽谷創新營運模式研究中心:物聯網創新應用與東南亞新興市場之連結(3/4), 計畫編號: 108-2420-H-007 -001 -

l  2018,06~2019.05 新興科技創新營運模式-亞洲矽谷創新營運模式研究中心:物聯網創新應用與東南亞新興市場之連結(2/4), 計畫編號: 107-2420-H-007 -002 -

l  2017,06~2018.05 新興科技創新營運模式-亞洲矽谷創新營運模式研究中心:物聯網創新應用與東南亞新興市場之連結(1/4), 計畫編號: 106-2420-H-007-008-.

l  2015.08~2017.07 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫(個別型) - 全球太陽熱能發電技術的興起:技術影響力與廠商策略, 計畫編號: MOST 104-2628-H-030-001-MY2.

l  2014.08~2015.07 科技部新進人員研究計畫(個別型) - 全球再生能源產業發展軌跡與技術創新能力, 計畫編號:MOST 103-2410-H-030-083


 Research Interest:

l  Entrepreneurship

l  Business Model

l  Technology Marketing

l  New Market Strategy

l  Supply Chain Management

l  Late Comer Strategy

l  Technological Trajectory

l  Knowledge Diffusion

l  Patentometrics