Hung-Wen Chen

Room A604, Side B, General Building Ⅱ (iPHD)​
No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan

I am currently an assistant professor in iPHD program and a jointly appointed assistant professor in Institute of Photonics Technologies and Engineering Management at NTHU.

The focuses of HW group are currently on ultra-precision laser machining and brain studies with deep learning. The research covers from the fundamental laser-material interaction and plasma modeling to the applications of laser nano/micro machining in the fields of silicon photonics and medical devices. Through multi-disciplinary studies with automated optical inspection, deep learning and robotics applications, we aim to provide solutions to the unmet needs in the fields of smart manufacturing and precision medicine.

After graduation from MIT, I had a startup in Wuhan in 2014. In 2016, I started Advanced Green Photonics Center in Delta Research Center and have developed several smart manufacturing solutions to tackle several long-standing issues, especially in the electronics assembly industry. These solutions include novel laser/optical applications for precise machining and sensing, value-added artificial intelligence, and robotic automation.

I'm looking for highly-motivated students. Please do email me if you are interested. Please include a CV to help me understand your background.


  • 2024/12 Congrats to Taco on winning OPTIC 2024 Student Paper Oral Award!

  • 2024/12 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning 第21屆國家精進新創獎-學研新創!

  • 2024/11 Congrats to Taco on winning 2024 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship Award(2024中技社科技獎學金)!

  • 2024/09 Congrats to Prof. Chen on winning 衛生福利部113年度防疫績優—個人獎

  • 2024/07 Congratulations to Pei-Chia Lin on winning 2024 NSTC undergraduate student research grant!

  • 2024/07 Welcome our new lab member, Dong-Wei Yang!

  • 2024/05 Welcome our new lab member, Joseph C. H. Wu!

  • 2024/04 Welcome our new lab member, Pin-Han Huang!

  • 2024/03 Congrats to Yi Liu on winning 第二屆2024「致茂精密機械與量測技術論文獎」─ 銀獎!

  • 2024/02 Welcome our new lab member, Yujen Chen!

  • 2024/02 Welcome our new lab member, Yu-Wei Hsu!

  • 2023/12 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning 第20屆國家精進新創獎-學研新創!

  • 2023/12 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning EE Times Taiwan- 2023創意挑戰賽: AIOT之校園組人氣獎&冠軍!

  • 2023/12 Congrats to CH Chou on winning OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Poster Award!

  • 2023/12 Congrats to WJ Chen on winning OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Oral Award!

  • 2023/11 Congrats to Prof. Chen on winning Delta Young Technology Scholar Award in Smart Manufacturing 2023 台達年輕學者科技講座—智慧製造領域!

  • 2023/10 Welcome our new lab member, David Chiu!

  • 2023/10 Welcome our new lab member, Shun-Hsiang Hsu!

  • 2023/09 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning 2023 FutureTech Award未來科技獎!

  • 2023/09 Congrats to WJ Chen on winning NTHU Award for Outstanding Conference Proceeding Papers of Students in International Conferences!

  • 2023/08 Welcome our new lab member, Binfun Tsai!

  • 2023/08 Welcome our new lab member, Shu-Han Wu!

  • 2023/08 Welcome our new lab member, Leon Jian!

  • 2023/08 Welcome our new lab member, Hsuan Lien!

  • 2023/08 Welcome our new lab member, Pei-Chia Lin!

  • 2023/02 Welcome our new lab member, Chang-Yu Tsai!

  • 2023/02 Welcome our new lab member, Wisarud Yongbanjerd!

  • 2022/12 Congrats to WJ Chen on winning The OPTIC 2022 Student Paper Oral Award!

  • 2022/12 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning 第19屆國家新創獎-學研新創!

  • 2022/11 Congrats to HW GROUP on winning 第二屆台灣尤努斯創新獎(社會組)!

  • 2022/10 Congrats to Chien-Hung Chen on winning NTHU Presidential Scholarship!

  • 2022/10 Congrats to Yun-Jie Jhang on winning NSTC Outstanding PhD Student Scholarship and NTHU Presidential Scholarship!

  • 2022/09 Welcome our new lab member, Chia-Hung Chou!

  • 2022/09 Welcome our new lab member, Yan-Fang Lee!

  • 2022/09 Welcome our new lab member, Zong-Ying Yang!

  • 2022/07 Congrats to our team on winning grant from NTHU Smart Campus Project!

  • 2022/06 Congrats to our team on winning the Project Award and Popularity Award in the Campus as a Living Lab @ NTHU!

  • 2022/06 Welcome our new lab member, Yi Liu!

  • 2022/06 Welcome our new lab member, Chien-Hung Chen!

  • 2022/06 Welcome our new lab member, Kenny Huang!

  • 2022/03 Congrats to our team on winning NT30,000 grant from CTM SDGs Implementation Project!

  • 2022/01 Welcome our new lab member, Yun-Jie Jhang!

  • 2021/10 Congrats to Willy Hu on winning NTHU Presidential Scholarship!

  • 2021/10 Congrats to Yi-Jiun Shen on winning MOST Outstanding PhD Student Scholarship and NTHU Presidential Scholarship!

  • 2021/09 Congrats to Tristan on the adimission to the CMU master program!

  • 2021/09 Welcome our new lab member, WJ Chen!

  • 2021/08 Welcome our new lab member, Willy Hu!

  • 2021/06/17 Welcome our new lab member, dodo Lin!

  • 2021/06 Welcome our new lab member, Tristan Chen!

  • 2020/10 Welcome our new lab member, Yi-Jiun Shen!


Deep Learning on Optical Nonlinear Microscopy

In collaboration with Prof. Chi-Kuang Sun at NTU

We demonstrated a power enhancement method in harmonic generation microscopy based on deep learning to reduce the optical input power and consequently reduce the risk of photodamage.


We demonstrated a biomedical image denoising framework based on deep learning without any prior information. Our method generates high-quality images in both second harmonic generation (SHG) and two-photon fluorescence (TPF) channels by removing noise and enhancing cell structures from raw images. In collaboration with Prof. Shih-Hsuan Chian at YMCU


Femtosecond Laser-Material Interaction

In collaboration with Dr. Yu-Chieh Wen at Academia Sinica

To be updated.


An economical single-shot pulse picker without nonlinear effect and dispersion

We demonstrated a novel single-shot pulse picker design with commercial high-fluence lasers. This design provides several advantages compared to traditional commercial pulse pickers, including the absence of optical dispersion, nonlinearity, insertion loss, and wavelength limitations. Furthermore, it is more economical than the customized AOM or EOM with an aperture larger than 10 mm.


Refining silicon nitride waveguide quality through femtosecond laser annealing

We present a method for modification of silicon nitride (Si3N4) waveguide resonators using femtosecond laser annealing. The quality (Q) factor of the waveguide resonators can be improved by approximately 1.3 times after annealing. Notably, waveguides that originally had a high Q value maintained their quality after the annealing process. This research underscores the potential of femtosecond laser annealing as an efficient, cost-effective, and localized technique for fabricating low-loss integrated photonics.



  • Spring 2024: 11220IPHD400200 永續商業模式創新 Business Model Innovations for Sustainability

  • Spring 2024: 11220IEEM513600 深度學習及產業應用 Deep Learning for Industrial Applications

  • Spring 2023: 11120THC 102000 科技旅讀:科學園區電腦之旅 Travel and Reading for Technology:A Computer's Journey in the Science Park

  • Fall 2022: 11210IPT 553000 深度學習於生醫光學影像之應用 Deep Learning in Biomedical Optical Imaging ​

  • Fall 2022: Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program ​

  • Spring 2022: 11120IPHD501100 工業雷射加工--原理及應用 Industrial Laser Machining: Working Principles and Applications

  • Fall 2021: 11010IPT553000 Deep Learning in Biomedical Optical Imaging ​

  • Spring 2021: 10920EMIM501300 Advanced Manufacturing Technology​

  • Spring 2021: 10920IPHD501400 Introduction to Deep Learning​

  • Fall 2020: 10910IPHD501100 Industrial Laser Machining Working Principles and Applications


  • M.-J. Ye, R. G. Bikbaev, P. S. Pankin, L.-H. Chen, Ivan V. Timofeev, D. Chiu, H.-W. Chen, S. Ishii, and K.-P. Chen, “Lossless phase change materials of adjustable Tamm plasmon polaritons in near-infrared" Adv. Optical Mater. 2025, 2402889.

  • Y.-T. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, R.-Y. Hsu, H.-W. Chen, and K.-K. Liu, "Femtosecond Laser-Induced Au Nanostructure-Decorated with Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Sensitive SERS-Based Detection of Fentanyl", Talanta, 284, 127264, 2024.

  • Y. Liu, W.-T. Lee, H.-P. Lu, and H.-W. Chen, "A Novel Multi-Model Learning Approach for Cross-Process Defect Classification in TFT-LCD Array Manufacturing," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 37(4), 527-534, 2024.

  • P.-H. Wang, H.-Y. Zheng, Y.-H. Liu, N.-L. Hou, C.-H. Chen, H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Wang, "Low-dispersive silicon nitride waveguide resonators by nanoimprint lithography," APL Photonics 9, 086107, 2024.

  • P.-H. Wang, C.-H. Chen, N.-L. Hou, and H.-W. Chen, "Refining silicon nitride waveguide quality through femtosecond laser annealing," Scientific Reports 14 (1), 15638, 2024.

  • C.-W. Hu, C.-Y. Lu, Y.-C. Wen, and H.-W. Chen, "An Economical Single-Shot Pulse Picker without Nonlinear Effect and Dispersion," Rev. Sci. Instrum., 95, 013003, 2024.

  • Y.-J. Shen, E.‑Y. Liao, T.-M. Tai, Y.‑H. Liao, C.‑K. Sun, C.-K. Lee, S. See, and H.-W. Chen, "Deep learning-based photodamage reduction on harmonic generation microscopy at low-level optical Power," Journal of Biophotonics, 16(12), e202300285, 2023.

  • Y.-C. Lu, E. Darius, M.-C. Lien, I.‑H. Yeh, H.‑F. Shi, Y.-H. Huang, C.-H. Chen, H.-W. Chen, C.-Y. Su, R.-Y. Hsu, and K.-K. Liu, "Two-dimensional Cs2AgBiBr6-based biosensor for the sensitive detection of a cardiac biomarker," ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 6(24), 23022–23028, 2023.

  • Y.-J. Jhang, X. Lin, S.-H. Chia, W.-C. Chen, I-C. Wu, M.-T. Wu, G.-Y. Zhuo, T.-M. Tai, and H.-W. Chen, “RepE: unsupervised representation learning for image enhancement in nonlinear optical microscopy,” Opt. Lett. 48, 4245-4248, 2023.

  • Y.-P. Huang, T.-Y. Tsai, T.-H. Chen, C.-B. Chueh, Y.-N. Tsai, Y.-W. Chang, Y.-C. Wu, H.-W. Chen, M.-T. Tsai, Y.-P. Hung, H.-C. Lee, "A generic framework for Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography imaging: software architecture and hardware implementations," IEEE Access, 8, 191726-191736, 2020.

  • J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, S. Xu, Z. Yang, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "3 GHz, Watt-level femtosecond Raman soliton source," Opt. Lett. 39, 2060-2063, 2014. (Cited no.: 19)

  • H.-W. Chen, H. Zia, J. Lim, S. Xu, Z. Yang, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "3 GHz, Yb-fiber laser based, few-cycle ultrafast source at the Ti:sapphire laser wavelength," Opt. Lett. 38, 4927-4930, 2013. (Top of Downloads in November 2013) (Cited no.: 27)

  • J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, G. Chang, and F. X. Kärtner, "Frequency comb based on a narrowband Yb-fiber oscillator: pre-chirp management for self-referenced carrier envelope offset frequency stabilization," Opt. Express 21, 4531-4538, 2013. (Cited no.: 13)

  • H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, S.-W. Huang, Damian N. Schimpf, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "Optimization of femtosecond Yb-doped fiber amplifiers for high-quality pulse compression," Opt. Express 20, 28672-28682, 2012. (Cited no.: 40)

  • H.-W. Chen, G. Chang, S. Xu, Z. Yang, and F. X. Kärtner, "3 GHz, fundamentally mode-locked, femtosecond Yb-fiber laser," Opt. Lett. 37, 3522-3524, 2012. (Cited no.: 88)

  • H.-W. Chen, T. Sosnowski, C.–H. Liu, L.–J. Chen, J. Birge, A. Galvanauskas, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "Chirally-coupled-core Yb-fiber laser delivering 80-fs pulses with diffraction-limited beam quality warranted by a high-dispersion-mirror based compressor," Opt. Express 18, 24699-24705, 2010. (Cited no.: 32)

  • C.-M. Chiu, H.-W. Chen, Y.-R. Huang, Y.-J. Hwang, W.-J. Lee, H.-Y. Huang, and C.-K. Sun, "All-THz fiber-scanning near-field microscopy," Opt. Lett. 34, pp. 1084-1086, 2009. (Cited no.: 60)

  • H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, J.-L. Kuo, P.-J. Chiang, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, "Subwavelength dielectric-fiber-based terahertz coupler," J. Light. Technol. 27, 1489-1495, 2009. (Cited no.: 32)

  • C.-H. Lai, Y.-C. Hsueh, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Huang, H.-C. Chang and C.-K. Sun, "Low-index terahertz pipe waveguides," Opt. Lett. 34, 3457-3459, 2009. (Cited no.: 139)

  • J.-Y. Lu, C.-C. Kuo, C.-M. Chiu, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "THz interferomertric imaging using subwavelength plastic fiber based THz endoscope," Opt. Express 16, 2494 -2501, 2008. (Cited no.: 43)

  • J.-Y. Lu, C.-P. Yu, H.-C. Chang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "THz air-core microstructure fiber," Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 064105, 2008. (Cited no.: 168)

  • H.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Li, J.-L. Kuo, J.-Y. Lu, L.-J. Chen, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "Investigation on spectral loss characteristics of subwavelength terahertz fibers," Optics Lett. 32, 1017-1019, 2007. (Cited no.: 45)

  • L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, T.-F. Kao, J.-Y. Lu, and C.-K. Sun, "Low-loss subwavelength plastic fiber for terahertz wave guiding," Opt. Lett. 31, 308-310, 2006. (Cited no.: 312)

  • J.-Y. Lu, L. Chen, T.-F. Kao, H.-H. Chang, H.-W. Chen, A.-S. Liu, Y.-C. Chen, R.-B. Wu, W.-S. Liu, J.-I. Chyi, and C.-K. Sun, "Terahertz microchip for illicit drug detection," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 18, 2254-2256, 2006. (Cited no.: 49)

  • W.-J. Chen, C.-Y. Lee, H.-S. Huang, G.-Y. Chen, C.-K. Sun, and H.-W. Chen, " Neuronal Dynamics Analysis via Two-Photon Microscopy in Human Cerebral Organoids Associated with ADHD Disorder ," OPTIC 2023, Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0601-O004, Dec. 1-Dec. 3, 2023.(OPTIC 2023 STUDENT PAPER ORAL AWARD)

  • C.-H. Chen, N.-L. Hou, P.-H. Wang, and H.-W. Chen, " Surface roughness improvement of silicon nitride waveguides by femtosecond laser annealing," OPTIC 2023, Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0302-P007, Dec. 1-Dec. 3, 2023.

  • Y.-J. Jhang, C.-H. Chou, Y.-F. Lee, Z.-Y. Yang, and H.-W. Chen, "Predicting Thin Film Color Using Deep Learning: From Optical Properties to Machining Parameters," OPTIC 2023, Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0802-O004, Dec. 1-Dec. 3, 2023.

  • C.-H. Chou and H.-W. Chen, "Pixel-wise Color Mixing in Surface Coloring of Stainless Steel Induced by Nanosecond Pulsed Laser," OPTIC 2023, Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0801-P012, Dec. 1-Dec. 3, 2023.(OPTIC 2023 STUDENT PAPER POSTER AWARD)

  • Y.-J. Shen, C.-H. Chen, and H.-W. Chen, "Enhancing Stain Resistance and Hydrophobicity of Zirconia Dentures with Femtosecond Laser Texturing," OPTIC 2023, Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0506-O002, Dec. 1-Dec. 3, 2023.

  • W.-J. Chen, E.-Y. Liao, T.-M. Tai, Y.-H. Liao, C.-K. Sun, C.-K. Lee, S. See, and H.-W. Chen, "Deep Unsupervised Learning for Biomedical Image Translation from Harmonic Generation Image to H&E-Stained Image" in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2023), ATu3Q.6.

  • C.-W. Hu, Y.-C. Wen, and H.-W. Chen, "An Economical Single-Pulse Picker without Nonlinear Effect and Dispersion," in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2023), JTh2A.68.

  • Y.-J. Jhang, X. Lin, S.-H. Chia, W.-C. Chen, I.-C. Wu, M.-T. Wu, G.-Y. Zhuo, and H.-W. Chen, "Unsupervised Image Enhancement for Nonlinear Optical Microscopy with Scarce Samples," in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2023), ATu3Q.5.

  • C.-W. Hu, Y.-C. Wen, and H.-W. Chen, "An Economical and Stable Single-Pulse Picker without Additional Nonlinear Effect and Dispersion," 4th International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies, in special session in IC3MT2022, ID 140, Nov. 11-14, 2022.

  • W.-J. Chen, E.-Y. Liao, T.-M. Tai, Y.-H. Liao, C.-K. Sun, C.-K. Lee, Simon See, and H.-W. Chen, " Inter-Modality Unsupervised Image Translation from Harmonic generation microscopy (HGM) image to H&E-stained image via Deep Learning Network," OPTIC 2022, Paper No. 2022-FRI-S0601-O002, Dec. 2-4, 2022. (OPTIC 2022 STUDENT PAPER ORAL AWARD)

  • Y.-J. Shen, E.-Y. Liao, T.-M. Tai, Y.-H. Liao, C.-K. Sun, C.-K. Lee, S. See, and H.-W. Chen, "Photodamage Reduction on Harmonic Generation Microscopy at Low-Level Optical Power based on Deep Learning," in Frontiers in Optics 2021/Laser Science, JW7A.126, 2021.

  • Y.-S. Su, S.-H. Lu, P. S. Ser, W.-T. Hsu, W.-C. Lai, B. Xie, H.-M. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, H.-W. Chen, L.-F. Yu, and H.-C. Wang, "Reasoning pose-aware placing with semantic labels - Brandname-based affordance prediction and cooperative dual-arm active manipulation," 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, 2019, pp. 4760-4767.

  • J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, S. Xu, Z. Yang, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "3 GHz optical frequency comb via difference frequency generation", in Ultrafast optics 2015.

  • H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, S. Xu, Z. Yang, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "3-GHz, ultrafast Yb-fiber laser sources: closing the spectral gaps.," Proc. SPIE 9198, Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy II, Vol. 9198, 919806 (2014). (SPIE Invited Paper)

  • D. Li, M. Peng, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, M. Watts, and F. X. Kärtner, "Fiber-optic demonstration of optical frequency division for Erbium silicon photonics integrated oscillator," in 2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2014), SF1I.3.

  • L. Wei, G. Zhou, J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "Relative intensity noise of Raman solitons: which one is more noisy?" in 2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2014), SM4N.7.

  • G. Chang, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, G. Furesz, N. Langellier, J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, D. F. Phillips, D. Sasselov, A. Szentgyorgyi, R. L. Walsworth, and F. X. Kärtner, "Femtosecond laser frequency comb for precision calibration of HARPS-N," in Advanced Solid State Lasers, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper ATh3A.2.

  • N. Langellier, N. Tanjeem, A. Glenday, C.-H. Li, G. Furesz, D. Phillips, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Green astro-comb for exoplanet searches: improved hardware and operation," in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, 2014), D1.00080.

  • D. Phillips, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, N. Langellier, G. Furesz, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. L. Walsworth,"Initial results from a green astro-comb for exoplanet searches at HARPS-N," APS Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics, 2014, abstract id. H6.010.

  • N. Langellier, C.-H. Li, A. G. Glenday, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, G. Furesz, F. X. Kärtner, D. F. Phillips, D. Sasselov, A. Szentgyorgyi, R. Walsworth, "Green astro-comb for HARPS-N," Proc. SPIE 9147, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 91478N (2014).

  • H.-W. Chen, H. Zia, J. Lim, S. Xu, Z. Yang, and F. X. Kärtner, "3 GHz few-cycle ultrafast source at 850nm," in Frontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2013), FW6B.2. (Postdeadline)

  • H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, S. Xu, Z. Yang, and F. X. Kärtner, "Yb-fiber oscillator based, few-cycle ultrafast source at 850nm," in the 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2013 (CLEO-PR 2013), WA1_1. (Best Paper Award)

  • G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, S. Xu, Z. Yang, and F. X. Kärtner, "3 GHz, femtosecond Raman soliton source," in 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2013), CM2I.4.

  • J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, G. Change, and F. X. Kärtner, "Stable frequency comb derived from a narrowband Yb-fiber laser: pre-chirp management for self-referenced fCEO stabilization," in 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2013), CM2I.7.

  • H.-W. Chen, G. Chang, C. Zhu, X. Ma, A. Galvanauskas, and F. X. Kärtner, "Air-clad chirally-coupled-core Yb-fiber femtosecond oscillator with >10W average power," XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, 41, 10006 (2013).

  • J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, A.-L. Calendron, G. Chang, and F. X. Kärtner, "Optimization of ultrafast Yb-doped fiber amplifiers to achieve high-quality compressed pulses," XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, 41, 10020 (2013).

  • G. Chang, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, G. Furesz, N. Langellier, L.-J. Chen, J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, D. F. Phillips, D. Sasselov, A. Szentgyorgyi, R. L. Walsworth, and F. X. Kärtner, "Femtosecond laser frequency comb for astrophysical spectrograph calibration", Advanced Solid State Lasers, ATh1A.4 (2013).

  • A. Glenday, C.-H. Li, N. Langellier, G. Furesz, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, D. Phillips, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "A high accuracy FTS for laser frequency combs, lamps and other sources," in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, 2013), D1.016.

  • N. Langellier, A. Glenday, C.-H. Li, G. Furesz, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. Kärtner, D. Phillips, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Green Astro-comb for exoplanet searches," Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91478N9(2014).

  • D. Phillips, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, N. Langellier, G. Furesz, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. Kärtner, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Green Astro-comb for exoplanet searches at HARPS-N," APS Division of Atomic and Molecular Physics Meeting 2013, abstract id. B6.007.

  • G. Chang, C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, G. Furesz, N. Langellier, L.-J. Chen, M. W. Webber, J. Lim, H.-W. Chen, D. F. Phillips, A. Szentgyorgyi, R. L. Walsworth, and F. X. Kärtner, "Spectrally flat, broadband visible-wavelength astro-comb," in 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2012), CF2C.4.

  • H.-W. Chen, G. Chang, S.-W. Huang, D. N. Schimpf, and F. X. Kärtner, "High-quality pulse-compression of pre-chirped pulses in fiber-amplifiers," in 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2012), CM4N.3.

  • Y. Zhou, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, P. C. Chui, K. K.-Y. Wong, and F. X. Kärtner, "Nonlinear-polarization-evolution mode-locking in a hybrid cavity: A route toward low repetition-rate fiber lasers," in 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2012), CF3L.3.

  • G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, S. Xu, Z. Yang, and F. X. Kärtner,"2.46-GHz, fundamentally mode-locked, femtosecond Yb-fiber oscillator," in 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, WeC.3.

  • C.-H. Li, A. Glenday, N. Langellier, G. Furesz, M. Webber, G. Chang, L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, D. Phillips, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Green astro-comb for exoplanet searches," in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, 2012), Vol. 57, Number 5.

  • D. Phillips, A. Glenday, C.-H. Li, G. Furesz, N. Langellier, M. Webber, G. Chang, L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Generation of a green astro-comb using tapered photonic crystal fibers," in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, 2012), Vol. 57, Number 5.

  • A. Glenday, C.-H. Li, M. Webber, N. Langellier, G. Furesz, G. Chang, L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, J. Lim, F. X. Kärtner, D. Phillips, A. Szentgyorgyi, and R. Walsworth, "Characterization of a green astro-comb using a Fourier Transform Spectrometer," in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, 2012), Vol. 57, Number 5.

  • H.-W. Chen, T. Sosnowski, C.-H. Liu, L.-J. Chen, J. R. Birge, A. Galvanauskas, F. X. Kärtner, and G. Chang, "High‐energy chirally‐coupled‐core Yb‐fiber laser with high dispersion mirror compressor to achieve 1W-level, sub-100fs pulses with diffraction-limited beam quality," paper ATuC5, Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP), Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

  • A. Szentgyorgyi, A. J. Benedick, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, L.-J. Chen, G. Furesz, A. Glenday, F. X. Kärtner, S. Korzennik, C.-H. Li, D. Phillips, R. L. Walsworth, "Progress toward laser calibration of ultra-precise radial velocity measurements," Conf. on Astronomy of Exoplanets with Precise Radial Velocities, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA, 2010.

  • G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, T. Sosnowski, C.-H. Liu, L.-J. Chen, J. Birge, A. Galvanauskas, and F. X. Kärtner, "High-energy chirally-coupled-core Yb-fiber oscillator with high-dispersion-mirror compressor: generation of ~1W, 80-fs pulses with diffraction-limited beam quality," in Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), PDPC3.

  • A. J. Benedick, G. Chang, H.-W. Chen, L.-J. Chen, G. Furesz, A. Glenday, F. X. Kärtner, S. Korzennik, C.-H. Li, A. Szentgyorgyi, D. Phillips, R. Walsworth, "Astro-comb calibration of the TRES spectrograph at visible wavelengths," Conf. on Astronomy of Exoplanets with Precise Radial Velocities, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA, 2010.

  • H. Chen, C.-C. Kuo, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-W. Hwang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, "Attenuation measurement of breast cancer in nude mice in terahertz frequency range," 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, paper P60, pp. 166-167, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.

  • H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, Y.-R. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Huang, W.-J. Lee, C.-K. Sun, "THz subwavelength-fiber-based near-field microscope," CLEO/IQEC, paper CWM2, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009.

  • Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-H. Lai, H.-W. Chen, Y-J Huang, C.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, "THz anti-resonant reflecting tube waveguide," CLEO/IQEC, paper CThQ5, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 2009.

  • H. Chen, C.-C. Kuo, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-W. Hwang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, and C.-K. Sun, "Attenuation measurement of breast cancer in nude mice in the terahertz frequency range," Proceeding of Optics and Photonics in Taiwan, paper FP022, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.

  • J.-Y. Lu, C.-C. Kuo, C.-M. Chiu, H.-W. Chen, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "THz interferometric imaging using subwavelength plastic fiber based THz endoscopes," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, paper CThN5, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008.

  • H.-W. Chen, C.-M. Chiu, Y.-R. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Huang, and C.-K. Sun, "Identifying breast cancer section using a fiber-scanning near-field THz microscope," in Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan (OPT’08), paper Fri-P1-198, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.

  • C.-C. Kuo, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-W. Hwang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-J. Hwang, F.-H. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, "In-vivo measurement of THz absorption constants of the skin and xenografted colon cancer on nude mice," in Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan (OPT’08), paper Fri-P1-210, Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.

  • J.-Y. Lu, H.-W. Chen, L.-J. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, "Sub-wavelength THz plastic fibers," Photonics West, paper 6472-7, San Jose, CA, USA, 2007.

  • H.-W. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, L.-J. Chen, P.-J. Chiang, H.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "THz fiber directional coupler," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, paper CThLL7, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2007.

  • H.-W. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, L.-J. Chen, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "Spectral loss characteristics of subwavelength THz fibers," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, paper CJWA107, Baltimore, MD, US, 2007.

  • J.-Y. Lu, C.-P. Yu, H.-C. Chang, H.-W. Chen, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, and C.-K. Sun, "Air-core microstructure fiber for terahertz radiation waveguiding," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, paper CThLL5, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2007.

  • C.-K. Sun, L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, and J.-Y. Lu, "Subwavelength plastic fiber for terahertz wave guiding," Optics East/ Conference on Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems, paper 6373-12, Boston, MA, Oct. 2006.

  • L.-J. Chen, H.-W. Chen, T.-F. Kao, J.-Y. Lu, and C.-K. Sun, "Low-loss subwavelength THz plastic fibers," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference/Conference on Photonic Applications, paper CMS1, Longbeach, CA, USA, 2006.

  • H.-W. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, J.-L. Kuo, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, L.-J. Chen, P.-J. Chiang, H.-C. Chang, and C.-K. Sun, "THz fiber-based coupler," The 1st Asian-Pacific Workshop on THz Photonics, pp. 23-24, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.

  • H.-W. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, J.-L. Kuo, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, L.-J. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, "Study on attenuation spectrum of subwavelength-diameter THz fiber," The 1st Asian-Pacific Workshop on THz Photonics, pp. 27-28, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.

  • C.-K. Sun, J.-Y. Lu, L.-J. Chen, T.-F. Kao, H.-W. Chen, A.-S. Liu, Y.-C. Yu, R.-B. Wu, W.-S. Liu, and J.-I. Chyi, "THz microchip for instant illicit drug identification," The 1st Asian-Pacific Workshop on THz Photonics, pp. 17-18, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.

  • J.-Y. Lu, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, C.-P. Yu, H.-C. Chang, H.-W. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, "Air-core microstructure fiber for terahertz radiation waveguiding," The 1st Asian-Pacific Workshop on THz Photonics, pp. 25-26, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.

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  • 陳鴻文、胡承維, "雷射加工方法以及雷射加工系統," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I832186, Feb. 2024.

  • S.-H. Wu, H.-W. Chen, Q.-M. Huang, Y.-H. Chou; Y.-C. Sun, "Soldering process method," USA patent, US20190291217A1, Jan. 2022.

  • 黃郁儒、陳鴻文, "電子元件組裝系統和方法System and method for assembling electronic components," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I650733, Feb. 2019.

  • Y.-R. Huang, H.-W. Chen, "電子部品の組み立てシステムと方法," Japan patent, JP6754391B2, Sep. 2020.

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  • S.-H. Wu, H.-W. Chen, R.-F. Ding, Y.-J. Shen, Y.-C. Su, "はんだ付けプロセスのパラメーター提案方法" Japan patent, 6725633B2, Jul. 2020.

  • 丁仁峰、陳鴻文、黃郁儒、林沛群、陳振豪, "可替換式夾爪模組以及抓取元件的替換方法," 中華民國專利, 證書號:I728851, May. 2021.

  • 吳澍涵、陳鴻文、黃啟銘、周仰皓、孫允中, "焊錫製程方法," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I724288, Apr. 2021.

  • 沈宜郡、黃郁儒、陳鴻文, “機器人工具的校正方法與校正系統,” 中華民國專利, 證書號: I706843, Oct. 2020.

  • 蘇育正、黃啟銘、沈宜郡、陳鴻文, "基於上採樣的影像定位系統及其方法," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I693555, May. 2020. 

  • 黃郁儒、黃啟銘、陳鴻文, "電子元件檢測系統及方法," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I692730, May. 2020.

  • 吳澍涵、陳鴻文、丁仁峰、沈宜郡、蘇育正, "焊錫製程參數建議方法," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I682294, Jan. 2020.

  • Y.-R. HUANG, Q.-M. Huang, H.-W. Chen, "System and method for detecting electronic components," USA patent, US10952361B2, Mar. 2021.

  • 丁仁峰、陳鴻文, "焊錫裝置及其系統控制器," 中華民國專利, 證書號: I705866, Oct. 2020.

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  • 李露、邹鹏、陈鸿文, "一种飞秒激光器拨动式出光开关," 中國大陸專利, 證書號: CN204885814U, Dec. 2015.

  • 闫明雪、陈李晋、陈鸿文, "一种人眼安全输出的固体激光器," 中國大陸專利, 證書號: CN204927801U, Dec. 2015.

  • C.-K. Sun, L.-J. Chen, and H.-W. Chen, "Plastic waveguide for terahertz wave," USA patent, US7409132 B2, Aug. 2008.

  • 陳昱禎、陳鴻文, "方向指示裝置," 中華民國專利, 證書號: M318168, Sep. 1, 2007.

  • H.-W. Chen, and C.-K. Sun, "Terahertz technology- fiber scanning imaging system," Physics Bimonthly, vol. 31, 2009. (Invited Paper)

  • H.-W. Chen, J.-Y. Lu, P.-J. Chiang, L.-J. Chen, H.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Li, C.-L. Pan, J.-L. Kuo, C.-K. Sun, "Loss spectrum of sub-wavelength THz fiber and its application," Journal of Optical Engineering, vol. 97, pp. 42-52, 2007. (Invited Paper)

