PME 5000 Seminar Series  (Spring 2013)


Course Information

Instructor:     Liu, Cheng-Hsien
            Office: Room 517, Engineering Building #1
            Phone: (03) 5742496

Lectures:      Time:   Thursday 3:30pm-  (3:20pm for credit-taking students to show up)
            Location:   Room 107, Engineering Building #1, National Tsing Hua University

Secretary:  許芝軒 小姐
Room 303, Engineering Building #1
(03)5715131 #33772

TA:                張國威/ Kuo-Wei Chang  email: / Phone: (03) 5715131 ext.33793 /Office: Room 405
柯伶宜/ Ling-Yi Ke   email: Phone: (03) 5715131 ext.33793 /Office: Room 405
陳紀帆/Chi-Fan Chen

Course Web site:


Course Description

We welcome all attendee to our sessions. If you are a registered Tsing Hua student, you may take this seminar series for credit.  (The lectures are mainly in Chinese.)

Requirements/Rules for Credit

To take the Seminar Series for University Credit you must:

A. Register for the course (PME5000). There are no prerequisites. Enrollment is open to graduates and undergraduates in any school or department at National Tsing Hua University.  (talk to the instructor and get signature if you are not a student at National Tsing Hua University.)

B.  The following description is in Chinese—

歡迎選修PME 500000書報討論!

1.每週上課點名時間都是3:20pm開始3:25pm 左右前完成,點名時未點到視同未出席一次。(這門課公假、事假、病假、出國開會都視同未出席)

2. 演講完時,助教抽點名,未點到,視同缺席。

3. 演講完時,找助教登記問問題或參與討論。(每次加分3分)



6. 全部出席,期末出席分數以85分計。




Seminar Attendance


Last updated: April 19, 20013 by Cheng-Hsien Liu