PME 5000 Seminar Series (Spring 2023)


Course Information

Instructor:     Liu, Cheng-Hsien (劉承賢)
            Office: Room 517, Engineering Building #1
            Phone: (03) 5742496

Lectures:      Time:   Thursday 3:30pm-  (3:25pm for credit-taking students to show up to  finish scanning QR-code)
            Location:   Room 107, Engineering Building #1, National Tsing Hua University

Secretary:  許芝軒小姐
Room 303, Engineering Building #1
(03)5715131 #33772

TA:                黃偉渝  email: (main contact window)/ Phone: (03) 5715131 ext.33793 /Office: Room 405
闕于哲  email:
謝濬安 email:
柯奕廷 email:

Course Web site:


Course Description

We welcome all attendees to our sessions. If you are a registered Tsing Hua student, you may take this seminar series for credit.  Talk to the instructor and get a signature for registration if you are not a student at National Tsing Hua University. (The lectures will be presented in either Chinese or English based on the speaker’s preference/or native language.)

Requirements/Rules for Credit

To take the Seminar Series for University Credit, you must:

A. Register for the course (PME5000). There are no prerequisites. Enrollment is open to graduates and undergraduates in any school or department at National Tsing Hua University.  (talk to the instructor and get a signature if you are not a student at National Tsing Hua University.)

B.  The following description is in Chinese—

歡迎選修PME 500000書報討論! (細節請見 )

1.每週上課點名時間都是3:25pm前完成簽到(15:1515:25QR Code 簽到)17:20(或演講結束20分鐘內)      QR Code 簽退15:25 未到完成QR code簽到/或未於規定時間完成QR code簽退,均視同未出席。(這門課公假、事假、病假、出國開會都視同未出席/缺席)

2. 不接受請假(包含防疫假、病假、事假、公假、或各種不可抗力),替代評分標準為每人可有上限 4次缺席,可以繳交缺席之當周心得報告到 Turnitin,抵代出席拿分。

3. 課堂提問,加 4/堂課提問,在每次上課結束後,簡要30字內,記錄提問問題及講者回答於eLearn課程討論區。

4. 上課態度不佳(例如引起演講者反感之過吵、滑手機、睡覺、打呼流口水…) ,會給予扣分!

5. 榮譽制度: 以下情事,學期總成績均不及格 (1) 代點名、被代點名; (2) 代寫缺席演講心得報告、被缺席代寫心得報告; (3) 缺席演講心得報告與他人雷同,或是相似度超過20%

* 注意事項- 演講期間手機請關機,遲到請從後門進入,勿干擾演講者。




Last updated: Feb. 8, 2023 by Cheng-Hsien Liu