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Invited talks

  • 26 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2023. Articulatory correlates of stress in Mandarin: A cross-dialectal study. Invited talk given at International Symposium on Linguistics, Language Applications and Translation Studies in the Big Data Era. City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China. June 6.
  • 25 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2022. Articulatory correlates of stress in Mandarin. Invited talk given at the Phonetics Laboratory, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. September 19th. [Virtual]
  • 24 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2021. An Introduction to Englishes in Southeast Asia, with special reference to Singporean and Malaysian English. On line colloquium talk given at the School of Foreign Languages for Business, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China. October 22nd. [Virtual]
  • 23 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2021. Phonological and phonetic exponents for word stress in Mandarin Chinese. Invited talk given at the 7th International Conference of Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-7), Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. April 17th. [Virtual]
  • 22 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2019. Non-accentual evidence for footing in Chinese. Invited talk given at the 6th International Conference of Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-6), Southwest University, Chongqing, China. October 13th.
  • 21 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2019. A Cross-dialectal Comparison of Er-suffixation in Beijing Mandarin and Northeastern Mandarin: An EMA Study. Invited talk given at the Language Diversity, Contact and Change workshop at the University of Chicago Center in Beijing, Beijing, China. June 13th. (Joint work with Song Jiang and Yueh-chin Chang)
  • 20 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2019. Is there a foot in Chinese? New evidence and beyond. Invited talk (JRCCLAL 2019 Lecture Series (6)) given at CHUK-BLCU Joint Research Center for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. February 21st.
  • 19 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2019. Some prosodic traits in Taiwanese-Japanese bilingual speakers: A case study. Invited talk to be given at a workshop entitled「多言語社会 台湾の「日本語人」に見られる 言語混用と分析」, Internatinal Center for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan. February 8th. (Joint work with Yueh-chin Chang)
  • 18 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2018. Temporal Organization of the "medial" in Standard Chinese. Invited talk given at the 1st International Symposium on Frontiers of Chinese Linguistics, the Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. June 8th.
  • 17 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2017. An articulatory study of the "medials" in Taiwanese Southern Min and Hoiliuk Hakka. Invited talk given at the 2017 annual meeting of the Linguistics Society of Taiwan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. November 25th.
  • 16 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2017. Onomatopoeic reduplication: Possible evidence of onset weight in Sinitic languages. Invited talk given at 2017 ILAS Workshop on Phonetics and Phonology, Academia Sinica, Taiepi, Taiwan. October 23rd.
  • 15 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2016. Temporal organization of on-glides across Sinitic languages. Invited talk given at the Department of Linguistics and Translation, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. (Joint work with Guan-sheng Li and Yueh-chin Chang). September 8th.
  • 14 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2016. Syllable weight: Articulatory perspectives. Invited talk given at the CUHK-BLCU Joint Research Centre for Chinese Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. September 8th.
  • 13 Hsieh, Feng-fan 2015. Voicing assimilation of Taiwanese Southern Min at the Phonology-Morphology Interface. Invited talk given at at the Workshop on Interface Studies in conjunction with the 23rd annual meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-23), Hangyang University, Seoul, South Korea. August 27th.
  • 12 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2013. Commentary on Prof. Ray Iwata’s invited lecture “On the context dependent/independent tonal neutralization in Chinese dialects” at the International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology (ICPP) 2013, NINJAL, Tokyo, Japan. January 26th.
  • 11 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2012. Loanword Phonology: a Chinese perspective. Invited talk given at the workshop “Some Issues on Modern Phonological Theories: Argumentation from Languages in China” in conjunction with the 20th International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong, China.  August 28th.
  • 10 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2011. Low vowel raising in Taiwanese: reduction or assimilation? Invited talk given at the Third Theoretical Phonological Conference (TPC-3), National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. May 29th.
  • 9 Hsieh, Feng-fan.2010. Reinforcing voiceless stop codas in Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages: laryngoscopic case studies. Invited talk given at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,, China. (Joint work with Yueh-chin Chang, Jerold A. Edmondson, Hui-chuan J. Huang and Yuren Peng (MD)). December 9th.
  • 8 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2010. Rhyme phonotactics in Sinitic languages: a Dispersion-Theoretic approach. Invited talk given at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. December 7th.
  • 7 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2010. Rhyme phonotactics in Sinitic languages: an enhancement perspective. Invited talk given at the International Conference on Phonology and Phonetics, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China. May 29th.
  • 6 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2010. An introduction to the Valving Hypothesis and a laryngoscopic case study of voiceless applosives in Taiwanese Southern Min. Invited talk given at the Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Joint work with Yueh-chin Chang, Jerold A. Edmondson, Hui-chuan J. Huang and Yuren Peng (MD)). April 8th.
  • 5 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2009. “Contrast transducer” in loanword adaptation. Invited talk given at the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan. May 22nd.
  • 4 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2009. Contour spreading as contour correspondence: the Sino-Tibetan evidence. Invited talk given at the Second Theoretical Phonology Conference (TPC-2), National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. January 10th.
  • 3 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2008. Tonal coarticulation in Taiwanese Southern Min. Invited talk given at the Phonetics-Phonology Workshop in conjunction with the 11th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-11), National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. May 25th.
  • 2 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2008. The law of the like neighbor as relational correspondence. Invited talk given at the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. March 12th.
  • 1 Hsieh, Feng-fan. 2007. Contour and slope correspondence in tone sandhi. Invited talk given at the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. March 28th.