

1.       Wang, Jyun-Cheng, and Ming-Jiin Chiang (2009), "Social Interaction and Continuance Intention in Online Auctions: A Social Capital Perspective", Decision Support Systems. Forthcoming. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.119)

2.       王俊程 (2009), “輔助專利價值評估之創新管理決策支援系統,資管學報,Forthcoming. (TSSCI)

3.        Wang, Jyun-Cheng, G. Klein, J. Jiang, and P. Cheney (2009), “Management Information Systems Research Networks: Creating and Sharing Diverse Knowledge,” Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 1 (1), pp. 55-80.

4.        王俊程,江明錦 (2009). "促進拍賣社群成員持續互動之整合模式:結合滿意度與社會構面因素",電子商務學報,第11卷,第1期,119-142. (TSSCI)

5.        Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Chui-Chen Chiu (2008). “Recommending Trusted Online Auction Sellers using Social Network Analysis,” Expert Systems with Applications, 34(3), pp. 1666-1679. (SCI)

6.        Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Rung-Fu Day (2007), “The Effects of Attention Inertia on Advertisements on the WWW,” Computers in Human Behavior, 23 (3), pp. 1390-1407. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.116)

7.       Day, R.-F., C.-W. Shyi, Jyun-Cheng Wang (2006), “The Effect of Flash Banners on Multi-attribute Decision Making: Distractor or Source of Arousal?” Psychology and Marketing, 23 (5), pp. 369-382. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.857)

8.        王俊程, 邱垂鎮, 葛煥元 (2005). “以交易記錄的社會網絡結構建立線上拍賣哄抬評價的偵測指標,”資訊管理學報,第12卷,第4期,143-184. (TSSCI)

9.       Huang, Ming-Hui, Jyun-Cheng Wang, Shihti Yu, and Chui-Chen Chiu (2004), "Value-Added ERP Information into Information Goods: An Economic Analysis," Industrial Management & Data Systems, 104 (8), pp. 689-697. (SCI)

10.    Wang, Jyun-Cheng and C.-L. Chen, (2004), “An Automated Tool for Managing Interactions in Virtual Communities —Using Social Network Analysis Approach,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (USA), 14 (1), pp. 1-26.  (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.679)

11.    Wang, Jyun-Cheng, S.-Y. Hung, C.-Y. Ku, S.-. Huang, and P.-J. Su (2004), “Using Total Data Quality to Measure the Effectiveness of Personalization Techniques on Marketing Activities”, International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, 5 (1), pp. 13-22.

Earlier Publications

12.      France, T., D. Yen, Jyun-Cheng Wang, C.-M. Chang (2002), “Integrating Search Engine with Data Mining for Customer-Oriented Information Search,” Information Management and Computer Security (USA), Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 242-254.

13.    Rygielski, C., Jyun-Cheng Wang, D. Yen (2002), “Data Mining Techniques for Customer Relationship Management,” Technology in Society (Elsevier, Netherlands), Vol. 24, No. 4, November 2002, Pages 483-502. (SSCI)

14.    Serve M., D. C. Yen, Jyun-Cheng Wang, B. Lin (2002), “B2B Enhanced Supply Chain Process: Toward Building Virtual Enterprises,” Business Process Management Journal (USA), Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 245-253.

15.      王俊程 (2002),〈資訊之商品化:新定義與新思維〉,《資訊管理學報》,(台灣),民國912月,第九卷,專刊期,1-17頁。(TSSCI)

16.      洪新原、游寶達、王俊程、黃士銘、古政元、張嘉銘 (2002),〈應用差異理論來評估學員訓練績效之研究:以商業電子化人才培訓計劃為例〉,《資訊管理學報》,(台灣),民國912月,第九卷,專刊期,1-17頁。(TSSCI)

17.    Rygielski, C., Jyun-Cheng Wang, D. Yen (2002), “Customer Relationship Management in the Network Economy,” International Journal of Services Technology and Management (USA), Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 297-310.

18.    Yu, S.J., S.C. Park, and Jyun-Cheng Wang (2001), "Decision Making Using Time-Dependent Knowledge: Knowledge Augmentation Using Qualitative Reasoning," International Journal of Intelligent systems for Accounting, Finance, and Management (USA), Vol.10, pp.51-66.

19.    Yen, D., D. Chou, and Jyun-Cheng Wang (2001), “DSL: the promising standard for Internet era,” Computer Standards & Interfaces (Elsevier, Netherlands), Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 29-37. (SCI)

20.    Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Rong-Fuh Day (2000), “Effects of Feedback Mechanisms in Web-Based Teaching,” Communications of the ICISA (USA), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 2-10.

21.    Wang, Jyun-Cheng and S.C. Park (1997), "Integrating OR Models for Decision-Making by Introducing Qualitative Knowledge of the Problem Contexts," Annals of Operations Research, vol. 72, p.29-50. (SCI).


Harvard Business School Cases

1.       Willy Shih, Jyun-Cheng Wang (2009). “Upgrading the Economy: Industrial Policy and Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry.” Harvard Business Case # 9-609-089.

2.       Willy Shih, Howard Yu, Chintay Shih, Jyun-Cheng Wang (2008). “Chi Mei Optoelectronics.” Harvard Business Case # 9-608-123.

3.       Willy Shih, Chintay Shih, Jyun-Cheng Wang (2008). “Quanta Computer and the One Laptop Per Child Initiative.” Harvard Business Case # 9-608-102.



1.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng, Cheng-hsin Chiang, Shu-Wei Lin (2009), “Network Structure of Innovation: Can Brokerage or Closure Predict Patent Quality?” HICSS 42, Jan. 2009, Hawaii.

2.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng (2009), “Predicting Patent Quality Based on the Structure of Citation Network,” International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXIX.

3.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Ming-Jiin Chiang (2007), "Knowing Who to Know in Knowledge Sharing Communities: A Social Network Analysis Approach", 2007 International Conference on Electronic Business (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC) (Won the Best Paper Award of ICEB 2007)

4.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Ming-Jiin Chiang (2006), "Virtual Social Presence in Online Auction Sites: A Social capital perspective", JAIS Sponsored Theory Development Workshop Following ICIS 2006 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

5.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng, Chui-Chen Chiu, and Jr-jing Tang (2005), “The correlation study of eWOM and product sales predictions through SNA perspectives: an exploratory investigation by Taiwan's cellular phone market,” Proceedings of International Conference of Electronic Commerce, Xi’an, China. Pages: 666 – 673.

6.          Wang, Jyun-Cheng and Jung-Chang Ho (2005), “Knowing who to know on Knowledge Sharing Virtual Communities,” International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXV.

7.          王俊程,江明錦 (2005), "The Triad of Knowledge Network: An Example of Taiwan Semi-conductor industry",第七屆全國資訊管理博士生學術交流研討會(雲林:雲林科技大學)

8.          王俊程,江明錦(2004) "台灣半導體產業知識網絡研究"2004工研院創新與科技管理研討會(新竹:工業技術研究院)CD-ROM

9.          江明錦,王俊程 (2004) "A Requirement Framework of Business Intelligence" 2004年產業電子化運籌管理學術暨實務研討會(高雄:第一科技大學)

Earlier Conference Papers

10.      Wang, Jyun-Cheng and J.-P. Lin (2003), “Are Personalization Systems Really Personal?” HICSS 36, Jan. 2003, Hawaii.

11.      江明錦,王俊程 (2003) "有機農業產銷整合電子化策略個案研究"2003 資訊科技在農業之應用研討會 (台北:台灣農業資訊科技協會) pp.173-178

12.      "Are Personalization Systems Really Personal? – Effects of Conformity in Reducing Information Overload,” (2003) HICSS 36, Jan. 2003, Hawaii, (with Lin, J.-P.)

13.      “E-mail as a decision tool for asynchronous group,” (2002) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, Taiwan. (Cheng, H.-H., Wang, Jyun-Cheng, Chiu, C.-C.)

14.      “Managing Interactions in Virtual Communities Using Social Network Analysis Approach,” (2001) International Conference on Electronic Commerce., Vienna, Austria. (Wang, Jyun-Cheng; Chen, J.-L.)

15.      “Value-added ERP information into information goods,” (2001) International Conference of Production and Operations Management, Orlando, FL., USA. (Huang, M.-H., Jyun-Cheng Wang, and Chui-Chen Chiu).

16.      Feedback Mechanisms as Intermediaries for Web Information Market: An Exploratory Study (2001), HICSS 34, Jan. 2001, Hawaii, (with Day, R.-F.).

17.      “The Effectiveness of Personalization Techniques on Marketing Activities” (2000), Proceedings of the Forth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, June 2000, Hong Kong, pp. 912-920.

18.      以合作式談判代理人輔助B2B網站中虛擬供應鏈之形成” (2000), 第十一屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中山大學. (與王善德).

19.      回饋機制對知識內容網站服務品質之影響” (2000), 第十一屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中山大學. (與戴榮賦).

20.      供應鏈中各環節績效衡量指標對整體績效之研究” (1999), 第十屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中央警察大學. (與蕭志銘), pp. 1103-10.

21.      電子商務自動談判系統中代理人自主性之研究” (1999), 第十屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中央警察大學. (與吳仲雯), pp. 1078-85.

22.      以危機管理看資訊系統的危機事件Y2K為例” (1999), 第十屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中央警察大學. (與曹嘉琪), pp.904-11.

23.      電子圖書館之推薦系統開發” (1998), 第四屆國際資訊管理研究暨實務研討會,新莊,輔仁大學. (與張明仁) pp. 305-312. “A Recommender System for Digital Libraries” The 4th International Conference on MIS Research and Practices, November 1998, Fu-jen University, pp. 305-312. (with Chang, Ming-Ren)

24.      電子商務自動談判系統:談判策略之導入” 1998 6, 第九屆國際資訊管理研究研討會,中壢,元智大學. (與鄭澄斌) “Automated Negotiation Systems for Electronic Commerce: The Adoption of Negotation Strategies” The Ninth International Conference on Information Management, June, 1998, Chun-Li. (with Cheng, Chern-Bing)

25.      高科技產業採用企業內網路之關鍵成功因素-以半導體晶片製造業為例” 1998 6, 第九屆國際資訊管理研研討會,中壢,元智大學. (與范嘉燕) “The Critical Success Factors for Adopting Intranet in Hi-Tech Industry—A Study of Semiconductor Industry” The Ninth International Conference on Information Management, June, 1998, Chun-Li. (with Fan, Chia-Yen)

26.      "網際網路上不同性質服務業提供個人化服務對服務品質之影響 ", 1998 3, 第四屆服務管理研研討會, 台北國立政治大學. pp. 257-274. (與柯宜弘) “The Effects of Personalized Services on the WWW for Different Types of Service Industries”, Mar. 1998, In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Service Management. pp. 257-274. (with Ko, Yi-Hong)

27.      "廣告網站個人化與廣告版面位置對廣告效果之影響研究 ", 1998 3, 第四屆服務管理研研討會, 台北國立政治大學. pp. 17-36. (與方貝瑜) “The Effects of Customized Advertising and Advertisement Placement on Advertising Effectiveness”, Mar. 1998, In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Service Management. pp. 17-36. (with Fan, Bay-Yu).

28.      "在全球資訊網上建立企業模型 ", 1997 11, 第三屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 嘉義.國立中正大學. pp. 154-161.

29.      "在全球資訊網上建立企業模型 ", 1997 11, 第三屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 嘉義.國立中正大學. pp. 154-161. “Enterprise Modeling on the WWW”, Nov, 1997, Proceedings of the Third Conference on MIS Research & Practice, Chia-I, pp. 154-161.

30.      "Enterprise Modeling: A Compositional Modeling Approach" (1997) Fourth Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems, ISDSS'97, July, 1997, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 53-70.

31.      "A Decision Support System for an Emerging Organizational Structure” (1997) The Eighth International Conference on Information Management, May, 1997, Taipei, pp. 429-436.

32.      "A Qualitative Reasoning Augmented Decision Support System Versatile for Cooperating Decisions" (1996) Presented at the First INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology, (May 5-8, 1996), Washington D.C., USA. (With S. C. Park)

33.      "Decision Support Systems for Emerging Organizations" (1995) In the Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Decision Sciences Institute, Puebla, Mexico, pp. 70-72. (With S. C. Park)

34.      "Qualitative Reasoning in Financial Stability Analysis" (1994) Presented at the International Conference of TIMS XXXII, Anchorage. (With S. C. Park)