



國立清華大學 陳素燕 (Su-Yen Chen)


99年 清華大學學術卓越獎助
98年 清華大學學術卓越獎助
96年 清華大學學術卓越獎助


2013-2014,大學生的學習投入與學習成果、心理社會發展的關連性I,計畫主持人,國科會NSC 102-2410-H-007-037-SSS
                  ,國科會NSC 100-2420-H-007-001-MY3
2009-2011,結構性/非結構性課外活動投入與學習成果、心理健康的關連性,計畫主持人,國科會NSC 98-2410-H-007-004-MY22007-2009,成人休閒閱讀行為探析,計畫主持人,國科會NSC 96-2413-H-007-001-MY2
2007-2007,台灣社會變遷基本調查研究第五期(III),中研院社會所整合型計畫成員,國科會NSC 96-2420-H-001-002
2006-2007,青少年課外閱讀行為探析,計畫主持人,國科會NSC 95-2413-H-007- 004
2006-2007,以葉榮鍾的史料豐富國高中的台灣文史教學建置學習鷹架引導歷史批判思維,共同主持人,國科會NSC 95-2422-H-007-002
2005-2006 台灣地區高等教育學府大學部學生教育成果之研究,共同主持人,國科會NSC 94-2413-H-007-002
2005-2006 以葉榮鐘的史料豐富國高中的台灣文史教學建置互動式大事年表及概念圖,共同主持人,國科會數位典藏計畫NSC 94-2422-H-007-002
2004-2005,童書在各領域教學之融入模式研究, 計劃主持人,國科會NSC 93-2413-H-007-003
2004-2005,台灣高等資料庫之建置及相關議題之探討(2/3),計畫成員,國科會NSC 93-2413-H-007-002
2003-2004,「文化學習」基本能力的教學轉化與實踐一個透過童書和電子郵件進行海峽兩岸學童文化交流的嚐試, 計劃主持人,國科會NSC 92-2413-H-007-004

2003-2004,台灣高等資料庫之建置 及相關議題之探討(1/3),計畫成員,國科會NSC 92-2413-H-007-006

2001-2002,以兒童讀物進行跨學科統整課程之設計, 計 劃主持人,國科會NSC 90-2413-H-007-001

2001-2002,體制外學校本位課程發 展案例研究:以沙卡實驗學校為例,共同主持人,國科會NSC 89-2413-H-007-007



Chen, S. Y. & Fang, S. P. (under review). Print exposure of Taiwanese fifth graders- Measurement and prediction. Journal of Research in Reading (NSC 100-2420-H-007-001-MY3) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (accepted). The role of achievement goals and achievement motivation in cognitive and psychological outcomes of Taiwanese college students. Journal of College Student Development  (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Fang, S. P. (accepted). Developing Chinese version of an author recognition test for college students in Taiwan. Journal of Research in Reading (NSC 100-2420-H-007-001-MY3) (SSCI)

陳素燕(2013) 成人休閒閱讀行為探析,國科會 人文與社會科學簡訊14(3)127-135(NSC96-2413-H-007-001-MY2) Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (2012) The avid adolescent reader revisited: Gender differences and their association with family factors. Reading Improvement,49(4),153-167. (NSC 98-2410-H-007-004-MY2)

Chen, S. Y., Chang, Y. J. & Ko, H. W. (2011). The influence of parental education level, parental reading attitude, and current home reading activities on students’ reading attainment: Findings from the PIRLS 2006. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 43, 357-376. (TSSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Tzeng, J. Y. (2010). College female and male Internet heavy users’ profiles of practices and their academic achievement and psychological adjustment. CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13, 257-262 (NSC 93-2413-H-007-002) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (2009). Academic correlates of Taiwanese senior high school students’ happiness. Adolescence, 44, 979-992 (NSC 98-2410-H-007-004- MY2) (SSCI)

Fu, Y. C., Lu, L. & Chen, S. Y. (2009). Differentiating personal facilitators of leisure participation: Socio-demographics, personality traits, and the need for sociability. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies15(3), 187-212. (NSC 96-2420-H-001-002) (TSSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (2009). After-school time use in Taiwan: Effects on educational achievement and well-being. Adolescence, 44, 891-910. (NSC 98-2410-H-007-004-MY2) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Fu, Y. C. (2009). Internet use and academic achievement: Gender differences in early adolescence. Adolescence, 44, 797-812. (NSC 98-2410- H-007-004-MY2) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. (2009). Functions of reading and adults’ reading interests. Reading Improvement, 46(2), 108-116 (NSC 96-2420-H-001-002; NSC 96-2413-H-007-001-MY2)

Lu, L. & Chen, S. Y. (2009). Internet/PC as a leisure activity for adults in Taiwan. Journal of Sport and Recreation Research3(4), 1-14.

Chen, S. Y. (2008). Who is the avid adolescent reader in Taiwan? The role of gender, family and teacher. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(3), 214-223. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. & Fu, Y. C. (2008). Leisure participation and enjoyment among the elderly: Individual characteristics and sociability. Educational Gerontology, 34(10), 871-889. (NSC 96-2420-H-001-002) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. (2008). Reading practices and profiles of older adults in Taiwan. Educational Gerontology, 34(5), 427-441. (NSC 96-2413-H-007-001- MY2) (SSCI)

Chen, S. Y. (2008). Are education majors really reading among the least in Taiwan? A closer investigation. Reading Improvement, 45(1), 10-18. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. (2007). Extracurricular reading habits and reading interests of college students in Taiwan - Findings from two national surveys.  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 50(8), 642-655. (NSC 92-2413-H-007-006) (SSCI)

陳舜芬、曾正宜、陳素燕(2006),我國大學生知識教育成 果及其相關因素之研究,新竹教育大學學報,23, 21-42. (NSC 94-2413-H-007-002)

Chen, S. Y. (2005). Getting to know each other better: Children's literature for cultural learning between Taiwanese and Mainland China's students. Reading Horizons, 46(1), 36-44 (NSC 92-2413-H-007-004)

陳素燕 (2004),應用網路科技設計師資 培育課程之教學活動初探,課程與教學季刊,7(1)123-138 (TSSCI觀察名單)

彭森明、陳素燕 (2004),論大學排名評鑑、認證 評鑑與政策導向評鑑,文教新潮,9(1)1-6

 Chen, S. Y. (2003). Children's literature and interdisciplinary instruction: A Web project in Taiwan. Reading Online. 6(9), (NSC 90-2413-H-007-001)

陳素燕(2003),以兒童文學進行跨學科統整課程之設計與評鑑,課程與教學季刊,6(1)113-132 (NSC 90-2413-H-007-001) (TSSCI觀察名單)

Chen, S. Y. (2003). Interdisciplinary curriculum: A model with children's literature as the organizing center. Curriculum Perspectives, 20(3), 11-22. (NSC 90-2413-H-007-001)

Chen, S. Y. (2003). The researcher as teacher: Turning research findings into action. The Affective Reading Educational Journal, 20(1), 5-10.

陳素燕、陳舜芬(2002),臺灣沙卡學校另類教育 之研究,教育研究資訊,10(6)133-152 (NSC 89-2413-H-007) (TSSCI觀察名單)

陳素燕 (2001),提昇兒童自發性課外閱 讀行為及態度國小童書臨床教學之行動 研究,課程與教學季刊,4(3)35-52 (TSSCI觀察名單



Chen, S. Y. & Fang, S. P. (2013). Assessing exposure to print: Development of Title Recognition Test for Taiwanese fifth graders. Paper presented in Asian Literacy Conference: Literacy, Culture and Technology- From local to global perspectives. Bali, Indonesia, Sep. 5-7, 2013.  (NSC 100-2420-H-007- 001-MY3)

Chen, S. Y. & Fang, S. P. (2013) Reading practices in print-based and Internet-based environment – An exploration on college students’ learning. Paper presented in International Reading Association (IRA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, U. S. A., April 19-22, 2013. (NSC 100-2420-H-007- 001-MY3)

Chen, S. Y. & Fang, S. P. (2013) Print exposure and general reading performance – Developing Chinese Author Recognition Test for college students in Taiwan. Paper accepted in American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, U. S. A., April 27 – May, 1, 2013. (NSC 100-2420-H-007-001-MY3)Chen, S. Y. (2011,accepted). Gender and academic major on college students' reading interests in Taiwan-Findings from a national survey. Paper to be presented in International Reading Association (IRA) Annual Meeting, Orlando, U.S.A., May 8-11, 2011.(NCS 95-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (2011,accepted). Five after-school activities and adolesoents' educational achievement and well-being-An exploration on gender differences. Paper to be presented in American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting,New Orleans, U.S.A., April 8-12, 2011.(NCS 98-2410-H-007-004-MY2)

Chen, S. Y. & Lu, L. (2010). The avid adolescent reading revisited: Gender difference on the linkage to family literacy. Paper accepted in American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Denver, U. S. A., April 30 – May, 4, 2010. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. (2010). Narrative or non-narrative? Taiwanese female and male adults’ reading practices. Paper accepted in International Reading Association (IRA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, U. S. A., April 25-28, 2010. (NSC 96-2413-H-007-001-MY2)

Chen, S. Y. & Ko, H. W. (2009). Family factors and reading practice, reading attitude, and reading attainment: Findings from PIRLS 2006. Paper presented in IDAC Conference by International Reading Association (IRA) , Penang, Malaysia, October, 7-9, 2009.

Chen, S. Y., Lu, L. (2009). Academic achievement, school climate, student satisfaction and Taiwanese eleventh graders’ general happiness. Paper presented in AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, U. S. A., April 13-17, 2009.

Chen, S. Y., Fu, Y. C. (2009). Adult Taiwanese book readers’ practices: The role of age, gender, education and reading for enjoyment, knowledge, relaxation and social conversation. Paper presented in AERA Annual Meeting, San Diego, U. S. A., April 13-17, 2009.

Chen, S. Y. (2008, invited presentation). 從台灣中學生、大學生、 成年人閱讀行為的實徵研究結果談對青少年閱讀推廣的啟發。Paper presented in the Conference on Adolescent Literacy: Reading for Understanding, Taiwanese Reading Association Biannual International Conference, Taipei, October 18-19, 2008. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004; NSC 96-2413-H-007-001-MY2)

Chen, S. Y. (2008). How leisure book reading practices vary among adults: Socioeconomic factors, personality traits, and reading attitudes. Paper presented in the XII Taiwan Social Change Survey conference, Taipei: Institute of Sociology, Academic Sinica, September 20, 2008. (NSC 96-2420-H-001-002; NSC 96-2413-H-007-001-MY2)

Chen, S. Y. (2008). The avid adolescent readers in Taiwan: Implications for promoting reading engagement. Paper presented in the International Reading Association 53rd annual convention, Atlanta, U. S. A., May 4-8, 2008. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. (2007). Rethinking gender and time spent leisure reading - Findings from national surveys in Taiwan. Paper accepted by the 15th European Conference on Reading by International Reading Association, Berlin, Germany, Aug.5-8, 2007. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. (2007). Gender and leisure reading – Findings from national surveys on secondary students in Taiwan. Paper presented in the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, U. S. A., April 9-13, 2007. (NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

張雪梅、沈俊毅、劉若 蘭、林大森、陳佩英、陳素燕(2006). 以學生為本為的高等教育 機構評鑑建構以學生校園經驗與學 習成果為機構教育品質指標之研究,教育評鑑國際學術研討會,國立談灣師範大學教育評鑑與發展研究中心,951111-12

Chen, S. Y. (2006). Reading club in Taiwan: A 5th grade literature project in His-chu. Paper presented in 2006 IDAC Conference by International Reading Association, Taipei, Nov.4-5, 2006. (NSC 93-2413-H-007)

Chen, S. Y. (2005). Extracurricular reading habits of college freshmen in Taiwan - A national survey.  Paper presented in AIR (Association for Institutional Research), Annual Forum, San Diego, CA, May 29-June 1, 2005. (NSC 92-2413-H-007-006)

陳素燕 (2005). 大學生課外閱讀行為與興 趣探討, 國 科會整合型計畫「台灣高等教育資料庫之建置及相關議題之探討」第一階段成果報告研討會,國立清華大學,94326(NSC 92-2413-H-007-006)

Chen, S. Y.; Chen, Shun-Fen; & Chen, Su-Fen (2004). Teacher education reform in Taiwan: From a monopolized uniform system to open competition.  American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 11-16, 2004.

Chen, S. Y. (2003). Children's literature for cultural learning about Taiwan. Paper presented at the third International Literacy Conference by International Reading Association, Penang, Malaysia, 2003 Aug. 15-17. (NSC 92-2413-H-007-004)

Chen, S. Y. (2002). The process of developing the interdisciplinary curriculum with children's literature as the organizing center - Some insights and implications. Paper presented at the Canadian International Reading Association Literacy Conference. Vancouver, CA. October 24-26, 2002. (NSC 90-2413-H-007)

陳素燕、陳舜芬(2002),台灣沙卡學校的教育對九年一貫課程的啟示, 第四屆中等學校之教學與學習,國立交通大學,民國九十一年十月二十五日(NSC 89-2413-H-007)

陳素燕 (2002). 網路與兒童文學在中小學 課程統整上的應用,2002網路與社會研討會,國立 清華大學,民 國九十一年五月三十一日六月一日

Chen, S. Y. (2001). Children's literature as the organizing center for interdisciplinary curriculum. 2nd Reading Conference by International Reading Association and International Development in Asia Committee, Singapore, Aug.2-4, 2001. (NSC 90-2413-H-007-001)

陳素燕 (2001),學校本位課程發展的山 湖經驗及其對九年一貫課程的啟示,發表於師資培育發展促進會年會,民國九十年四月十四日

陳素燕 (1999),我國中小學教師在課程 上扮演的角色之回顧與與前瞻理論取向的探討,中國教 育學會、中華民國師範教育學會、中華民國比較教育學會、中國視聽教育學會「教育改革、師資培育與教學科技:各國經驗」國際學術研討會,國立臺灣師範大學,民國八十八年十二月



1. 陳素燕(2009),不同閱讀型態的大學生 在思考廣度與人生目標的差異,收錄於張雪梅、彭森明之臺灣大學生的學習歷程與表現台北:台灣師範大學教評叢書。(NSC 95-2413-H-007-004)

2. 陳素燕(2003) 學 校本位課程發展的山湖經驗及其對九年一貫課程的啟示,收錄於九年一貫與師資培育,師資培育發展促進會,台北:五南

3. 陳素燕(2000),從國內中小學的幾個實 例談學校本位的課程發展,台南師院地方輔導叢書








4. 陳素燕譯,1996,動物我愛你,幼獅出版社

5. 陳素燕譯,1995,真假新娘,東華書局

6. 陳素燕著,1995,白雲山莊少莊主,省政府教育廳中華叢書

7. 陳素燕著,1995,親愛的歐莎娜, 幼獅出版社

8. 陳素燕譯,1994,家在地球另一端,幼獅出版社

9. 陳素燕著,1994,少年曹丕,九歌出版社 (第二屆現代兒童文學獎第 二名)


Member of International Reading Association

Member of American Educational Research Association



