Research Topics for Graduate Students

  • This graduate student in the CHAN LAB focuses on quantitative research, specializing in the "correlation method" for questionnaire research or the "experimental method" for experimental manipulation.
  • Their research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including learning and memory, emotions, humor, creativity, motivation, positive psychology (e.g., happiness), personality traits (including gelotophobia, the Big Five personality traits, sense of humor, and dark tetrad personality traits), as well as mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, autism, and schizophrenia.

2024 Alumni

  • Yu-Fan Ho (2024). Master, PSY, NTHU.
  • Han-Hsing Hsieh (2024). Master, Department of Electrical Engineering, NTHU.

2020-2023 Alumni

  • Hui-Ya Wang (2023). Master, PSY, NTHU.

  • Jun-Yu Yang (2021). Master, ILS, NTHU.

  • Yi-Tzu Chang (2021). Ph.D., PSY, NTNU.
  • 1. Chang, Y. T., Chan, Y. C., & Chen, H. C. (2024). Relationship between dark tetrad and affective well-being: Dark comic style as a mediator. Personality and Individual Differences, 216, 112402. (SSCI)
  • 2. Chang, Y. T., Chan, Y. C., Chen, H. C. (2022). The development and research of traditional Chinese version of the acquisitive and protective self-monitoring scale (APSMS-TC). Psychological Testing, 69(3), 167-196. (TSSCI)
  • 3. Chang, Y. T., Chan, Y. C., Chen, H. C. (2021). The development and research of traditional Chinese version of the short dark tetrad (SD4-TC). Psychological Testing, 68(4), 287-316. (TSSCI)

  • Tsung-Min Yueh (2021). Master, PSY, NTHU.

  • Jui-Hsuan Hsieh (2020). Master, PSY, NTHU.

  • Yu-Ting Li (2020). Master, PSY, NTHU.

2015 - 2019 Alumni

  • Yu-Cheng Chen (2019). Master, PSY, NTHU.
  • Mei-Hsuan Wu (2019). Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Chun-Yu Chou (2019). Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • I-Fei Chen (2018). Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Wei-Chih Lai (2018). Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Lin-Yi Wang (2017). Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Yen-Lin Lee (2016). The attentional bias of negative emotional words on gelotophobes: Evidence from eye movement. Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Lee, Y. L., Chen, H. C., & *Chan, Y. C. (2019). The attentional bias of gelotophobes towards emotion words containing the Chinese character for ‘laugh’: An eye-tracking approach. Current Psychology, 1-14. (SSCI)
  • Hsin-I Lu (2015). Ambiguity and inference processing in joke comprehension: An eye-movement study. Master, ILS, NTHU.
  • Lu, H. I., *Chan, Y. C., & Chen, H. C. (2019). Ambiguity and inference processing in verbal jokes: Analyses of eye movement. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 50(4), 587-609. (TSCCI)
  • Yi-Jun Liao (2015). Master, ILS, NTHU.

Research Scholarship for Undergraduate Students

  • Chen-An Wu (2022). Undergraduate, PSY, NTHU. (MOST 110-2813-C-007-153-H)
  • Chuan-Han Kao (2021). Undergraduate, PSY, NTHU. (MOST 109-2813-C-007-081-H)