PME5230  Sensing and Actuation in Miniaturized Systems (Spring 2024)


Course Information

Instructor:        Liu, Cheng-Hsien           liuch@pme.nthu.edu.tw
Office:  Room 517, Engineering Building #1
Phone:  (03) 5742496

Lectures:     Time         Monday 9:00am-11:50am
Location  Room 216, Engineering Building #1

(Lecture given in either English ? or Chinese? will be discussed during first class.)

Office Hours:  Monday 3:30pm~4:30pm and appointment by email

Course Web site: http://mx.nthu.edu.tw/~chhsliu/transducer_new/PME5230_Liu.html


Course Objectives

The Goal of the course is to provide senior and graduate students with the basic concepts and principles of sensing and actuation in miniaturized systems, which mostly use integrated circuit fabrication for their realization.  Categories include sensors/ actuators (named Transducers), microfluidics and Lab on Chip, etc.  Basic mechanism of transduction, micro/nanofabrication techniques, and relative merits of the different technologies will be addressed.  This course will be research oriented and focuses on conference/journal paper survey. 


General Info

§  “Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices” by Steven Saliterman (ISBN 0-8194-5977-1)

§  Microfluidic Cell Culture Systems (Micro and Nano Technologies) 1st Edition by Christopher Bettinger, Jeffrey T Borenstein, Sarah L Tao (ISBN-13:  978-1437734591 / ISBN-10:  1437734596)


Course Topics  (tentative)


Lecture Schedule

Course Overview/ Exploring Sensing and Actuation in Miniaturized Systems/Scaling

Feb. 19

Miniaturized Mechanical Transducers and Microsystem Applications (I)


Miniaturized Mechanical Transducers and Microsystem Applications (II)


Miniaturized Mechanical Transducers and Microsystem Applications (III)


Micro/Nano Fabrication Techniques(I)


1st Class Presentations

April 1 & 8

Micro/Nano Fabrication Techniques(I)


MicroSystems Tech. History and Microfluidic Systems/ BioMEMS/ MEMS related NanoBio Tech. (I)


Microfluidic Systems, BioMEMS and MEMS related NanoBio Tech. (II)


Microfluidic Systems, BioMEMS and MEMS related NanoBio Tech. (III)

May. 6

Idea Exploring Competition (Final Project)

April 29& May 6

May. 13

Microfluidic Systems, BioMEMS and MEMS related NanoBio Tech. (IV)

May. 20

Class Final Presentations  

May 27 & June 3


Handouts (updated material will be in eeclass for 2024 class)


Class Presentation(updated information will be in eeclass for 2024 class)


Class Presentation(past examples)- 2012 Autumn

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2014 Spring

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2015 Spring

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2016 Spring

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2017 Spring

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2018 Spring

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2019 Autumn

Class Presentation(past examples)- 2020 Autumn


Idea Exploring Competition


Last updated: Feb. 17, 2024 by Cheng-Hsien Liu