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管制圖(Control Chart)

  • Duncan, A. J., 1956, “The Economic Design of -Charts Used to Maintain Current Control of a Process,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 51, pp. 228-242.
  • Lucas, J. M. and Saccucci, M. S., 1990, “Exponentially Weighed Moving Average Control Schemes: Properties and Enhancements,” Technometrics, Vol. 32, pp. 1-12.
  • Woodall, W. H., and Adams, B. M., 1993, “The Statistical Design of CUSUM Charts,” Quality Engineering, Vol. 5, pp. 559-570.
  • Lowry, C. A. and Montgomery, D. C., 1995, “A Review of Multivariate Control Charts,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 27, pp. 800-810.
  • Keats, J. B., Castillo, E. D., Collani, E. V., Saniga, E. M., 1997, “Economic Modeling for Statistical Process Control,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 29, pp. 144-147.
  • Woodall, W. H., 1997, “Control Charts Based on Attribute Data: Bibliography and Review,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 29, pp. 172-183.
  • Tagaras, G., 1998, “A Survey of Recent Developments in the Design of Adaptive Control Charts,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 212-231.
  • Woodall, W. H. and Montgomery, D. C., 1999, “Research Issues and Ideas in Statistical Process Control,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 31, pp. 376-386.
  • Stoumbos, Z. G.; Reynolds, M. R., JR.; Ryan, T. P. and Woodall, W.H., 2000, “The State of Statistical Process Control as We Proceed into 21st Century,” Journal ofthe American Statistical Association, Vol. 95, pp. 992-998.
  • Stoumbos, Z. G. and Reynolds, M. R., 2000, “Robustness to Non-normality and Autocorrelation of Individuals Control Charts,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 40, pp. 145-187.
  • Chakraborti, S., Laan P. V. D., Bakir, S. T., 2001, “Nonparametric Control Charts: An Overview and Some Results,” Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 33, pp. 304-315.



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