Yuan-Chi Tseng 曾元琦 - AIMS Fellows, NTHU

Yuan-Chi Tseng is an Associate Professor of AIMS Fellows and Principal Investigator (PI) at the inclusive inter-intelligence Design Lab (iiiD-Lab) in National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). Within NTHU, his engagements encompass design, entrepreneurship education, and design and digital education transformation. He serves as the Convener of the Innovative Design Program, and the Admissions Committee Chair of the Innovative and Design Group of the Tsing Hua Interdisciplinary Program. Additionally, he holds the position of CEO at Tzaiwu College, part of Tsing-Hua Residential college, which serves as an experimental educational platform fostering interdisciplinary student exchanges and learning centered around innovation and entrepreneurship at National Tsing Hua University.

Yuan-Chi Tseng's academic background and research interests are situated at the convergence of Design, the Humanities and Society, and Interactive Technology and Science. He previously held appointments at UCLIC, UCL (visiting professor, Feb 2023–Aug 2023), IEEM, NTHU (jointly appointed associate professor, Aug 2019–current), Service Science, NTHU (associate professor, Aug 2018–Jan 2024), Industrial Design, NCKU (assistant/associate professor, 2011–2018), Vision Science, SKERI (Rachel C. Atkinson Postdoctoral Fellow, 2010–2011), Psychology, UIUC (post-doc, USA, 2008–2010), and Yale School of Medicine (visitor scholar in Professor Chiang-Shan Ray Li's lab, 2010).  

Yuan-Chi Tseng currently serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (2023 June–current)

Research and Design Interest

Yuan-Chi Tseng established the Inclusive Inter-Intelligence Design Lab (iiiD-Lab) with the explicit aim of developing systems and technologies that conscientiously embrace a spectrum of intelligences, encompassing human intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI), and potentially other diverse forms. As a committed researcher and designer specializing in human-computer interaction, human-AI interaction, psychology and social science, he is passionately dedicated to advancing these fields. His primary focus is on the development of human-centered AI and the design of technologies, tools, service systems to promote inclusive in digital health, enhance creative team collaboration, improve human-AI interaction, and optimize user experience and utility.

His design primarily aims to facilitate communication and collaboration among various stakeholders and professionals through technology to provide better services and meet the comprehensive needs of individuals, communities, and society. Due to his interdisciplinary academic efforts, his research findings have been in top journals and international conferences across various fields including human-computer interaction, medical informatics, artificial intelligence, experimental and cognitive psychology, behavioral neuroscience, medicine, neurology, educational sciences, among others.

His research achievements have earned him the Wu Ta-You Memorial Award from the National Science and Technology Council, several Best Paper Awards, and ACM CSCW 2023 Paper Recognitions for Contributions to Diversity and Inclusion.

Study Topics

  • Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
  • We investigate the methodological approach of human-centered artificial intelligence (AI), aiming to ensure that the development and application of AI technologies align with human values, needs, and interests. This design methodology focuses on human needs and experiences, placing human interests at the core of technological development to ensure that the design and application of AI systems are beneficial to individuals and society.
  • AI-Mediated Communication and Collaboration
  • We explore how artificial intelligence is altering human communication methods and its applications in cooperation and collaboration. This encompasses the applications and impacts of technologies such as artificial intelligence, chatbots, and human-machine interactions in communication and collaboration.
  • AI-Driven Digital Health
  • We study how to leverage LLM-based chatbots to enhance healthcare, health monitoring, and medical service efficiency and effectiveness. This includes research and applications in mobile health applications, telemedicine, health data analysis and visualization, as well as the ethical responsibilities of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  • Creative Collaboration Empowered by Technology
  • We investigate how to design innovative tools and platforms that enhance creative collaboration among individuals from diverse fields and backgrounds. This involves leveraging principles of innovation management, interdisciplinary collaboration, design thinking, and other strategic approaches.
  • Inclusive Design
  • We research methods to ensure that products, services, environments, etc., are designed to be friendly, easy to use, and inclusive for all. Its goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, ability, cultural background, or physical condition, can equally enjoy and participate in social life.
  • Experience and Service Design
  • We explore how design can improve people's experiences, particularly those related to services. This includes using design thinking and user-centered methods to design innovative services and experiences.

Design Philosophy

Yuan-Chi's design philosophy is based on perspectives, knowledge, and methodologies from disciplines such as Technologies, Science, and Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as Arts and Design to harmoniously pursue a perfect integration of truth, goodness, and beauty in design.

Please visit our lab - inclusive inter-intelligence Design Lab (iiiD-Lab)