
(Update March 5th, 2008)

Refereed Journal papers

[26] Wen-Xing Yang and Ray-Kuang Lee,"Slow optical solitons via intersubband transitions in a semiconductor quantum well," arXiv: 0803.1886 (2008).[download]

[25] YuanYao Lin and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Symmetric-breaking instabilities of generalized elliptical solitons," submitted to Opt. Lett. (March, 2008).

[24] Wen-Xing Yang and Ray-Kuang Lee,"Giant Kerr nonlinearities and slow optical solitons in coupled double quantum-wells," arXiv:0803.1885 (2008).[download]

[23] Tsin-Dong Lee , Chia-Yu Chang, Meng-Hong Wu, Jhao-Ren Jhang, Te-ho. Wu and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Experimental Observation of Self-Propelled Cavity Soliton-like Evolutions in VCSELs with Photonic-Crystal Micro-Structures," (2008).

[22] Tsin-Dong Lee, Chih-Yao Chen, YuanYao Lin, Chia-Yu Chang, Ming-Chiu Chou, Hung-Ping D. Yang, Te-ho Wu, and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Direct observation of higher-order whispering-gallery modes in VCSELs at room temperature by embedding a defect-free surface micro-structure," arXiv:0711.2126v1(2007). [download]

[21] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Atomic dipole moment noises on squeezing and correlation of self-induced transparency solitons, "to Phys. Rev. A (2008).

[20] YuanYao Lin, Ray-Kuang Lee, Yee-Mou Kao, and Tsin-Fu Jiang, "Band structures of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in one-dimensional lattices, " to Phys. Rev. A (2008).

[19] Wen-Xing Yang, Jing Xu,and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Suppression of absorption by quantum interference in intersubband transitions of tunnel-coupled double quantum wells," arXiv: 0803.1888 (2008)[download]

[18] Chia-Sheng Chou, Ray-Kuang Lee, Peng-Chun Peng, Hao-chung Kuo, Gray Lin, Hung-Ping Yang and Jim Y. Chi, "A Simple Model for Cavity Enhanced Slow Lights in Vertical Cavity Surface Emission Lasers ," J. Opt. A: Pure and Applied Optics (accepted for the special issue, 2008). [download]

[17] YuanYao Lin, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yuri S. Kivshar, "Soliton transverse instabilities in nonlocal nonlinear media," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B (accepted, 2008). [download]

[16] YuanYao Lin, I-Hong Chen, and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Breather-like Collision of Gap Solitons in Bragg Gap Regions within Nonlocal Nonlinear Photonic Crystals," J. Opt. A: Pure and Applied Optics (special issue, accepted, 2008).[download]

[15] Wen-Xing Yang, Jing-Min Hou,and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Ultraslow bright and dark solitons in semiconductor quantum wells," Phys. Rev. A 77, 033838 (2008).[download]

[14] Soi-Chan Lei and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Quantum Phase Transitions of Light in the Dicke-Bose-Hubbard model," Phys. Rev. A 77, 033827 (2008). [download]

[13] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, "A Lagrange Multiplier Constrained Optimization Method for the Design of Narrowband Dispersionless Fiber Bragg Gratings," Optical Engineering 47, 015005 (2008). [download]

[14] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, "Synthesis of Long-Period Fiber Gratings with a Lagrange Multiplier Optimization Method," Optics Communications 281, 61 (2008). [download]

[11] Yuan Yao Lin and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Dark-bright soliton pairs in nonlocal nonlinear media," Opt. Express 15, 8781 (2007). [download]

[10] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, "Design of multichannel DWDM fiber Bragg grating filters by Lagrange multiplier constrained optimization," Opt. Express 14, 11002 (2006). [download]

[9] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Boris A. Malomed, "Photon-number fluctuation and correlation of bound soliton pairs in mode-locked fiber lasers," Opt. Lett. 34, 3084 (2005). [download]

[8] Ray-Kuang Lee, Elena A. Ostrovskaya, Yuri S. Kivshar, and Yinchieh Lai, "Quantum-noise properties of matter-wave gap solitons," Phys. Rev. A 72, 033607 (2005). [download]

[7] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Yuri S. Kivshar, "Quantum correlations in the soliton collisions," Phys. Rev. A 71, 035801 (2005); also as part of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information 5, Issue 4 (2005). [download]

[6] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Boris Malomed, "Generation of photon-number entangled soliton pairs through interactions," Phys. Rev. A 71, 013816 (2005); also as part of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information 5, Issue 2 (2005). [download]

[5] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Boris Malomed, "Quantum correlations in bound-soliton pairs and trains in fiber lasers," Phys. Rev. A 70, 063816 (2004); also as part of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information 5, Issue 1 (2005). [download]

[4] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Fluorescence squeezing spectra near a photonic bandgap," J. Opt. B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, S715 (special issue, 2004). [download]

[3] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Quantum theory of fiber Bragg grating solitons," J. Opt. B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, S638 (special issue, 2004). [download]

[2] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, and Boris A. Malomed, "Quantum Fluctuations around Bistable Solitons in the Cubic-Quintic nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation," J. Opt. B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6, 367 (2004). [download]

[1] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Amplitude-squeezed fiber-Bragg-grating solitons," Phys. Rev. A 69, 021801(R) (2004); also as part of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 9 , Issue 8 (2004). [download]


Proceedings of International Conference

[21] YuanYao Lin, Wun-Jhang Lin, Han-Zhong Liao, Jin-Shan Pan, Tsin-Dong Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, "Observations of Cavity Dipole Solitons and Vortex Soliton Clusters in VCSELs with a Surface Photonic Crystal Structure," CLEO/QELS,, San Jose, California, USA, QTuC5 (2008).

[20] Chih-Yao Chen, YuanYao Lin, Chen-Ye Shen, Kuo-Yu Tang, Hung-Pin D. Yang, Tsin-Dong Lee, and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Direct Observation of Higher-Order Whispering-Gallery Modes in a Defect-Free Surface Micro-Structure VCSEL," CLEO/QELS,, San Jose, California, USA, JThA91 (2008).

[19] Yinchieh Lai and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Optimum Detection of Quantum Entangled Fiber Solitons," CLEO/QELS,, San Jose, California, USA, JTuA109 (2008).

[18] [2008 PSROC Poster Award] Chih-Yao Chen, YuanYao Lin, C. Y. Shen, K. Y. Tang, H. P. D. Yang, T. D. Lee, and R.-K. Lee, "Direct observation of higher-order whispering-gallery modes in a defect-free surface micro-structure VCSEL," Annual Meeting of Physics Society, ROC Hsinchu, Taiwan, PE-34(2008).

[17] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, "Impact of initial guess parameters on Lagrange multiplier optimization synthesis of linear long-period fiber gratings," 5th Workshop on Fibers and Optical Passive Components,, Taipei, Taiwan, TH3A-6 (2007).

[16] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, "Lagrange Multiplier Optimization Synthesis of Long-Period Fiber Gratings," Asia Optical Fiber Communication & Optoelectronic Exposition & Conference (AOE 2007), , Shanghai, China, P15 (2007).

[15] Yuan Yao Lin and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Formation of Complex Dark -Bright Soliton Pairs in Nonlocal Nonlinear Normal Dispersive Material," Nonlinear Photonics (NP), Quebec, Canada, JMD21 (2007).

[14] Yuan Yao Lin and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Threshold power reduction for forming bright solitons guided in nonlocal nonlinear media," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007, Seol, Korea, ThP 5 (2007).

[13] C.-S. Chou, R.-K. Lee, P. C. Peng, H. C. Kuo, G. Lin, H. P. Yang, and J. Y. Chi, "Modeling of Slow Light in Vertical Cavity Surface Emission Lasers," IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, MB2 (2007).

[12] Yuan Yao Lin, I-Hung Chen, and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Elastic-like Collision of Gap Solitons in Nonlinear Nonlocal Photonic Crystals," IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, TuP 29 (2007).

[11] Tsin-Dong Lee , Chia-Yu Chang, Meng-Hong Wu, Jhao-Ren Jhang, Te-ho. Wu and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Experimental Observation of Self-Propelled Cavity Soliton-like Evolutions in VCSELs with Photonic-Crystal Micro-Structures," IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, (2007).

[10] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Quantum theory of self-induced transparency solitons, "10th Squeezed State and Uncertainty Relations, Bradford, UK, 31 Mar. - 4 Apr. (2007).

[9] Cheng-Ling Lee, Ray-Kuang Lee, and Yee-Mou Kao, " An Optimal Control Technique for the Synthesis of Multichannel Fiber Bragg Gratings for DWDM,"10th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication systems, Singapore, Oct. (2006).

[8] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Boris Malomed, "Quantum fluctuations and quantum correlations of bound-soliton pairs and trains in fiber lasers," IQEC and CLEO-PR 2005, QWD4-7, Tokyo, Japan, 11-15 July 2005.

[7][Student Paper Award, OPT 2004] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Quantum fluctuations and quantum correlations of bound-soliton pairs and trains in fiber lasers," Optics and Photonics TAiwan, QWD4-7,Jhongli, Taiwan, (2004).

[6] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Interaction induced photon-number entangled temporal soliton pairs," OSA Nonlinear Optics, FA3, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 2-6 August, 2004.

[5] Ray-Kuang Lee, Yinchieh Lai, and Boris Malomed, "Squeezing of Bi-solitons in Cubic-Quintic Schr\"{o}dinger Equations, OSA Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, MC-5, Toronto, Canada, 28-31 March, 2004.

[4] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Quantum theory of Bragg solitons: Linearized approach," CLEO/Pacific-Rim 2003, P0401, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-19 December, 2003.

[3] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Steady-state fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom in three-dimensional photonic crystals," CLEO/Pacific-Rrm 2003, P0405, Taipei, Taiwan 15-19 December, 2003.

[2] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Resonance Fluorescence Spectrum in a Two-Band Photonic Bandgap Crystal," SPIE First International Symposium on Fluctuation and Noise, 5111-27, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1-4 June, 2003.

[1] Ray-Kuang Lee and Yinchieh Lai, "Resonance Fluorescence Spectrum near Photonic Bandgap," SPIE Photonics West 2003, 5000-20, San Jose, California, USA, 25-31 January, 2003.